Dates and Locations:
Best Western Europa Montreal, Quebec Canada
14 & 15 April 2016 (Thursday & Friday)
Registration from 7:00 - 8:00 am, April 14, 2016
Continuing Education Information:
1.6 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) (16.0 Professional Development Hours)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and a Course Completion Certificate will be administered by the Colorado School of Mines. Most state professional licensure programs accept CEUs for this course.
Pre-Approved CEUs: MA LSP: Course No MA LSP 1231 CT LEP: Course CT LEP 122 South Carolina PGs: SCPG 1712 State of Delaware PGs: (BY TITLE) Texas CAPM: (BY TITLE)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Course Completion Certificates are distributed following the course.
An optional Course Completion Certificate from Colorado School of Mines is available.
Most state professional licensure programs accept CEUs for this course.
Who should attend:
This course is designed for ground water scientists and engineers, project managers, compliance program managers and remedial design managers.
This course begins with a brief overview of hydrogeologic principles of pumping and slug testing then continues at an advanced level throughout the course to cover the range of conditions typically encountered during field investigations.
Data analysis exercises include both simple and advanced pumping and slug test analyses to match the range of conditions typically encountered during field investigations.
What to Expect:
Expect to learn about the latest techniques of aquifer testing. A list of course attributes are listed on the following page:
What to Bring:
- Bring your laptop computer, a calculator and any field forms that you normally use for aquifer testing.
- You are also encouraged to bring your own slug and pumping test data. Instructors will QA/QC your analysis results if time permits.
- Course attendees bringing personal laptops will download and install the AQTESOLV demo from www.aqtesolv.com before arriving at the course.
- Bring high expectations. We strive to make this the premiere aquifer testing course. Plus, you can expect to have some light hearted humor and fun along the way.
Conducting aquifer tests in complex hydrogeologic settings such as heterogeneous or fractured media often leads to suspect data or unanswered questions after the field work is complete. Even when you are confident of the geologic conditions, you may have difficulty designing effective aquifer tests, running field equipment, or selecting the best available model to analyze the test data. Where can you turn to improve your approach and skills for hydrogeologic site characterization?
Midwest GeoSciences Group and Aquatic Life, Ltd can help! We have designed a powerful two-day training course on aquifer testing design, field methods, and data analysis techniques featuring AQTESOLV and the In-Situ Level TROLL. This course will provide you with the knowledge to master aquifer testing from beginning to end--using world-class field equipment and aquifer test analysis software.
Bring Your Computer: Analyze data from a variety of hydrogeologic conditions and well configurations using AQTESOLV. Participants are welcomed to bring their own project data for analysis for QA/QC by the instructors.
Course Topics:
Hydrogeologic Site Characterization
- Learn to design the most effective aquifer test programs for a wide range of geologic conditions (including low permeability confining units and fractured bedrock)
- Gain an advantage in your next aquifer test by mastering state-of-the-art field and data analysis procedures
- Find out how to differentiate laterally extensive sands from isolated sand bodies in a single boring
- Discover new techniques for anticipating and resolving problems that may arise in aquifer tests
- Obtain step-by-step instruction for field screening using the In-Situ Level TROLL and computerized analysis using AQTESOLV
Slug Testing:
- Learn to select and apply appropriate slug test models for different hydrogeologic settings and well configurations
- Maximize results from tests conducted in wells screened across the water table
- Find out how to recognize and account for the effects of noninstantaneous (noisy) test initiation and wellbore skin
- Discover the latest strategies for designing, conducting and analyzing tests in high-K media including oscillatory responses
- Gain knowledge of new approaches for decreasing test duration in low-K media
- Master all aspects of data collection with the In-Situ Level TROLL
- Obtain hands-on experience with AQTESOLV analyzing data from a wide range of geologic settings
Pumping Tests:
- Learn to design, conduct and analyze pumping tests in confined, leaky, unconfined and fractured aquifers
- Master strategies for dealing with variable pumping rates, wellbore storage, partial penetration, well losses, wellbore skin and other common issues
- Discover powerful diagnostic methods including derivative analysis that help you select appropriate pumping test models
- Gain an advantage by applying Agarwal's method for analysis of recovery data
- Find out the best procedures for monitoring a pumping test with the Level TROLL
- Master tips and tricks for using AQTESOLV to analyze constant-rate, step-drawdown and recovery test
- Highly Recommend. Very good quality and broad topics covered in a short time. Well managed.
- Chris Alderding, Citic Pacific Mining
- Great course! Great pace of delivery and great presentation.
- Daniel Farrow, Aqualinc
- Excellent in all aspects.
- Nathan Littlewood, Origin Energy Brisbane
Advanced registration is necessary for participation in this limited-enrollment short course. Pre-registration is required to reserve space and receive course materials. If you require special arrangements for diet, equipment, or handicap facilities, please indicate when registering for the course.
Registration and payment processing for this course is managed by Aquatic Life Ltd.
Participants receive 16.0 contact hours of instruction, Course Notebook, a Field Guide for Slug Testing, continental breakfast, morning coffee break, lunch, and an afternoon break.
Participants are also invited to continue to the fun of Day One for an evening reception following the course segments on Day One. Details about the location of the reception are given at the course.
With your registration, you will receive a discount voucher good toward the purchase of a special aquifer testing bundle featuring the In-Situ Level TROLL.
The online registration allows registrants to add items to their course registration.
Item No 1: Official Course Completion Certificate from Colorado School of Mines for $55.00 CAD. It shows your attendance is approved for 16.0 Contact Hours.
Item No 2: Full Color Course Notebook (approx 500 pages) for $119.00 CAD. Otherwise your course book is printed in black and white (it still looks great).
Item No 3: If you need to rent a computer for this course, please contact Dan Kelleher at 763.607.0092.
 One Free FIELD GUIDE FOR SLUG TESTING AND DATA ANALYSIS is included with your course registration.
-Professionals - Register Now: $980.00 CAD
-After 05 April 2016: $1195.00 CAD
Student discounts are available for students with full-time enrollment verification. Student please inquire to service@midwestgeo.com. Student discounts are subject to availability.
Cancellations may be made up to March 31, however, 35 percent of the course fee will be charged. No refunds. One substitute is allowed for each registrant who is unable to attend.
Technical Questions: For registration and technical questions about the course, contact Dan Kelleher at either 763.607.0092 or dan@midwestgeo.com
Travel and Payment Question: : For travel questions, please contact the great staff at Aquatic Life Ltd in beautiful Pinawa, Manitoba at 800.409.8378.
Jim Butler, PhD is author of "The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests" and for the last 29 years, he has worked as a research scientist at the Kansas Geological Survey. Jim Butler was the 2007 National Ground Water Association Distinguished Darcy Lecturer and the recipient of the 2009 Pioneers in Groundwater Award from the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Jim is author of many scientific papers dedicated to aquifer testing, direct push hydraulic profiling, and interactions between surface water and groundwater. Jim holds a B.S. in geology from the College of William and Mary, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied hydrogeology from Stanford University. |
Glenn M. Duffield is the author of AQTESOLV and the founder and president of HydroSOLVE, Inc., a groundwater services firm headquartered in Reston, Virginia, USA. He is a senior quantitative hydrogeologist with over 30 years of professional consulting experience and the author of AQTESOLV, the world's leading software for aquifer test analysis since 1989.
Glenn holds a bachelor's degree in geology from Juniata College and a master's degree in geology/hydrogeology from Penn State. |
- These are the guys who literally wrote the book - excellent course, very helpful, and cutting edge.
- Paul Blubaugh, Michael Pisani & Associates, Inc.
- A big THANK YOU....it was my pleasure to attend this well organized and informative class delivered by excellent teachers. The comradery and collaboration made it all fun. Exceptional to say the least. I'd recommend this class to anyone with aquifer interests.
- Kate Ely, Hydrologist, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
- The course is very thorough and the instruction followed by worked examples an excellent format. I loved the problem sets and the time allowed both before and after the workshop to go through the problems with the instructors. If you take advantage of that time (and I did, both ends!), you basically are getting one-on-one instruction from the gurus. That was amazing and well worth it!
- Lynn D. Green, R.G., L.E.G., EVREN Northwest, Inc.
- Highly Recommend. Very good quality and broad topics covered in a short time. Well managed.
- Chris Alderding, Citic Pacific Mining
- Great course! Great pace of delivery and great presentation.
- Daniel Farrow, Aqualinc
- Excellent in all aspects.
- Nathan Littlewood, Origin Energy Brisbane
- Highly recommend. Great range of topics, excellent presenters.
- L. Helm, Origin Energy
- Highly recommend. Very relevant and applicable.
- Craig Noble, QGC
- I thought this course was great. I will recommend it to everyone at the office.
- Kathleen Graham, Hydrogeological Consultants, Inc.
- Very good presenters. Clear, good examples. Relate to reality.
- Christian Nagel, Stantec Consulting, Ltd.
- High quality class with top instructors. Especially enjoyed the diagnostic aspect of Aqtesolv.
- Michael Blazeric, Wildermuth Environmental, Inc.
- These are the guys who literally wrote the book - excellent course, very helpful, and cutting edge.
- Paul Blubaugh, Michael Pisani & Associates, Inc.
- This (is) the best course that I've ever attended and I look forward to future course offerings. Excellent!
- Mark Larson, Larson & Associates
- I enjoyed the course. Excellent insight and feedback with informative discussions.
- Jason Whitman, Shaw Environmental
- Great Course! Would highly recommend it to any hydrogeologist.
- Dan Weber, Errol L. Montgomery & Associates
- All-in-all, one of the best courses I' ve ever taken.
- Cynthia Gefvert, South Florida Water Management District
- The course was extremely helpful in identifying potential sources of error in our slug testing design and performance techniques. The guided software exercises by Glenn easily walked us through practical applications.
- Jason LaRoche, Southwest Florida Water Management District
- The class clarified how pumping and slug test equations are applied using AQTESOLV. I especially enjoyed learning to match oscillatory data from High-K aquifers and techniques for improving site characterization of my projects.
- Brian Hennings, Natural Resource Technology, Inc.
- The combination of lectures and computer lab make this an excellent course which I would recommend to anyone.
- Chuck Ahrens, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
Best Western Europa (downtown Montreal) 1240, rue Drummond Montreal, QC H3G 1V7
Telephone: 514)866-6492 Fax: (514)861-4089 Website: www.hoteleuropa.com
It is located between Ste-Catherine Street and Rene-Levesque Boulevard, Drummond is at that level a one way street going north toward Ste-Catherine.
Best Western Europa (downtown Montreal) 1240, rue Drummond Montreal, QC H3G 1V7
Telephone: 514)866-6492 Fax: (514)861-4089 Website: www.hoteleuropa.com
Rate: $99 CAD/night
It is located between Ste-Catherine Street and Rene-Levesque Boulevard, Drummond is at that level a one way street going north toward Ste-Catherine.
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