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The Six Key Steps

The slug test is the most common technique for determining transmissive properties at sites with ground water contamination. The quality of test results, however, is often questionable because of inappropriate field and analysis procedures.

Much of the field and theoretical research on slug tests over the last two decades has been done by Jim Butler and colleagues at the Kansas Geological Survey. Jim's work is widely recognized by the academic, consulting, and regulatory communities as having led to significant advances in the state of the practice for slug testing. Jim's book "The Design, Performance and Analysis of Slug Tests" outlines the field and analysis procedures that lead to more consistent quality from slug tests. At the request of Midwest Geosciences, Jim has distilled this material down to Six Key Steps for getting higher quality results from slug tests.

Learn the key steps for performing slug tests, as well as for processing and analyzing the test data. Learn to recognize the key mechanisms affecting your test data. Learn how best to conduct and analyze slug tests in wells screened across the water table. Learn simple to perform step-by-step analysis procedures to get the most information from your test data. Whether you are working in highly permeable sediments or tight bedrock, conventional wells or direct-push installations, or even if you have existing data that are questionable, this 90-minute webinar will provide answers that are not available elsewhere on the web.

Confined Formations

Wells Screened Accross
the Water Table

Oscillatory Response

Here's what people are saying about Jim's past webinar:
"By using real-world slug test data during the webinar, I was able to see right away how Jim Butler's guidelines improve the efficiency and confidence in hydraulic conductivity test results. The presentation's clear graphics and on-site examples made this a practical learning experience, and I will certainly be able to implement these ideas both in the field and in analysis".
-Rachel McLean, AMEC Earth & Environmental

Fee: 299.00 USD Per Computer Site (unlimited participants per site)
Pay one site registration fee and an unlimited number of participants from your organization can attend at that site.
Instructor: Jim Butler, Ph.D.
Section Chief at the Kansas Geological Survey
and author of The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests
Handouts: Copy of Webinar Slides (pdf)
Record of Attendance Form (pdf)
Duration: 1.5 hours plus Q&A
(no restrictions on time limit for extra Q&A!)
Earn 1.5 Professional Development Hours (1.5 PDH)

A Record of Attendance Form is included free with each webinar for your record keeping and individual PDH verification. We ask your on-site coordinator to return the completed and signed copy of the Form to us following the webinar for (1) maintaining a separate copy as a service to attendees and (2) forwarding to NIU confirming attendance for those who order certificates.

Attendees may also order an official a Course Completion Certificate from Northern Illinois University for a small administrative fee. The Certificate is optional and may be ordered separately following the webinar to confirm your attendance and showcase the certificate on your office wall. Instructions for ordering certificates are given during the webinar.

* This webinar is eligible for the 'BUY THREE, GET THREE' discount.

Attendees will be invited to actively participate during this live and interactive on-line web seminar. Discussion is planned following the webinar for those who want to continue the session. Bring your questions to the webinar and present them to the instructor and other participants for exploring the best solution.

Register before March 30, 2013 and receive a free FIELD GUIDE FOR SLUG TESTING AND DATA ANALYSIS for each site.

And, you may purchase additional field guides for a special discounted price of $18.00 plus shipping.

Attendees have the option to purchase Jim Butler's book: The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests for the low price of $95.00 plus shipping.

Instructor Bio
Jim Butler, Ph.D.
Kansas Geological Survey
Award-winning author of The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests

Jim Butler is the author of the popular book "The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests" which is widely recognized as the key reference for slug testing.

Jim was the 2007 National Ground Water Association Distinguished Darcy Lecturer and the recipient of the 2009 Pioneers in Groundwater Award from the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Jim's research includes aquifer testing, direct push hydraulic profiling, groundwater use by phreatophytes, and interactions between surface water and groundwater. Jim holds a B.S. in geology from the College of William and Mary, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied hydrogeology from Stanford University.

For the last 23 years, he has worked as an applied research hydrogeologist at the Kansas Geological Survey at the University of Kansas and is now the Section Chief of the Geohydrology Section there. He also is an Associate of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Kansas, a courtesy faculty member of the University of Kansas Department of Geology, and associate editor of "Ground Water."

Testimonial from the 3-day course: Advanced Aquifer Testing Techniques for Improved Hydrogeologic Site Characterization: New Concepts, Field Techniques and Data Analysis Procedures; taught by Jim Butler and Glenn Duffield.

"Having my questions answered by the person who wrote the book on slug testing was most valuable to me."
- Thai Hubbard, Hydrogeologist, ARCADIS

"All-in-all, one of the best courses I've ever taken."
- Cynthia Gefvert, South Florida Water Management District

"These are the guys who literally wrote the book - excellent course, very helpful, and cutting edge."
- Paul Blubaugh, Michael Pisani & Associates, Inc.

"Knowing what hydraulic conductivity testing works best for my projects, where pitfalls can occur, and what results are questionable or reliable will help improve upcoming projects and manage budgets to meet my clients needs."
- Debra Belmonte, V3 Consultants

Questions? Email us at or call 763.607.0092

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