Welcome "Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists"

The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and Midwest GeoSciences Group have collaborated to provide discounted continuing education webinars to AEG members on important topics such as groundwater and karst, landslides, rock mechanics, seismic hazards, subsidence, engineering geology and forestry, dam rehabilitation and monitoring, geologic issues with risk assessment, environmental site characterization and remediation, flooding and coastal hazards, licensure and professional practice, and geologic resource management.
Both live and on-demand webinars are available at discounted rates to AEG members. Registrations
for live webinars must be made at least 3 days before the event to receive the discount.
MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED(both AEG and Midwest GeoSciences membership is required to access this special program)
CREATE YOUR MIDWEST GEOSCIENCES ACCOUNT HERE CLICK HERE to create your Midwest GeoSciences Group account using your AEG membership numberALREADY A MIDWEST GEOSCIENCES MEMBER? USE the "Members Login" form on your right to login to your Midwest GeoSciences Group account, and we'll check the status of your account information
- 10% off.......for individual webinars
- 33% off.......for New AEG Members! Applied once for the first live webinar; thereafter, all live and recorded webinars are at the standard AEG discounted rate.
- 33% off.......for individual on-demand webinars
All webinars are eligible for other Midwest GeoSciences Group discounts subject to the provisions of those discount programs.
Members Login for Midwest GeoSciences Group
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- Exclusive Videos
- Special Pricing
- And Much More
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Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists