This course is hosted by Golder Associates Pty Ltd.. Golder Associates Pty Ltd is processing registrations and payments.
Who should attend:
This course is designed for groundwater scientists and engineers, water resource specialist, project managers, compliance program managers and remedial design managers.
This course begins with a brief overview of hydrogeologic principles of pumping and slug testing then continues at an advanced level throughout the course to cover the range of conditions typically encountered during field investigations.
Data analysis exercises include both simple and advanced pumping and slug test analyses to match the range of conditions typically encountered during field investigations.
What to Expect:
Expect to learn about the latest techniques of aquifer testing. A list of course topics are listed on the following page:
What to Bring:
Bring your laptop computer, a calculator and any field forms that you normally use for aquifer testing. You are also encouraged to bring your own slug and pumping test data. Instructors will give you an opinion about your analysis results if time permits. Course attendees bringing personal laptops will download and install the AQTESOLV demo from before arriving at the course.
What You Will Get:
You will receive 24.0 contact hours of instruction, a Field Guide for Slug Testing and Data Analysis, a Field Guide for Soil and Stratigraphic Analysis, a comprehensive 400+ page course notebook with many aquifer testing reference resources and a CEU completion certificate.
This is the only aquifer testing course in Australia with instruction from Glenn Duffield, the author of AQTESOLV.
Course Details
Conducting aquifer tests in complex hydrogeologic settings such as heterogeneous or fractured media is a key element to site characterization, water resources assessment and remediation system design. However, poorly planned aquifer testing programs often lead to suspect data or unanswered questions after the field work is complete.
Even when you are confident of the geologic conditions, you may have difficulty designing effective aquifer tests, running field equipment or selecting the best available model to analyze the test data. Where can you turn to improve your approach and skills for aquifer testing?
Midwest GeoSciences Group can help! We have designed a powerful three-day training course on aquifer testing design, field methods and data analysis techniques . This course will provide you with the knowledge to master aquifer testing from beginning to end. Gain an advantage by learning up-to-date methods and procedures for designing, conducting and analyzing aquifer tests.
You are invited to Brisbane and Melbourne for an exciting three-day workshop on Advanced Aquifer Testing Techniques. This unique and practical course, designed for hydrogeologists and engineers of all experience levels, will be taught by two internationally-recognized leaders in the field: Glenn Duffield, author of AQTESOLV for Windows; Jim Butler, author of The Design, Performance and Analysis of Slug Tests; with teaching support from Dan Kelleher, President of Midwest GeoSciences Group.
This course covers fundamental methods of aquifer testing as well as advanced new approaches to field and data-analysis procedures. Some of the questions that we will address in this course include the following:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of pumping tests versus slug tests?
How do I translate hydrogeologic conditions encountered in the field into a model for a slug test or pumping test?
How do I account for well loss and determine well efficiency from a step-drawdown test?
How do I analyze a slug test in a high-K aquifer that exhibits an oscillatory response?
What methods are available for analyzing pumping tests in fractured bedrock aquifers and how do I apply them?
What are the latest guidelines for designing, conducting and analyzing pumping test and slug tests in wells screened across the water table?
What is the wellbore storage effect and when is it important to account for it?
Can I use software to design my pumping test or slug test?
What are constant-head tests and how do I analyze them?
What testing and analysis procedures are available for characterizing heterogeneous aquifers?
What is the best method to account for noninstantaneous (noisy) slug test initiation?
This course demonstrates ways in which these questions can be answered by understanding and improving the design of pumping and slug testing, learning meaningful field methods, and practicing appropriate data analysis.
You will enjoy personalized instruction from Glenn Duffield, Jim Butler and Dan Kelleher who have designed a comprehensive course for all types of ground water professionals. This course is unique because it covers new and updated material focusing on constant and variable-rate pumping tests, single and multiple-well tests, tests in fractured rocks, derivative plots, and much more. Participants are welcome to bring their own datasets for use on example problems.
Day One
Lecture, Discussion, and Analysis Exercises
The first day consists of real-world applications for evaluating how slug tests can be designed, performed and analyzed with a series of lectures, group discussions and analysis exercises.
Well Tests: What, When, Where and How
In-Situ Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity
Application to Hydrogeologic Site Characterization
Design of Tests in Low-K Media
New Approaches for Decreasing Test Duration
Design of Tests in High-K Media
Inertia-Induced Response (Overdamped to Underdamped)
Dependence on Slug Size
Transducer Placement
Tests in Direct Push Equipment
Small-Diameter Well Corrections
Slug Tests: Additional Issues
Wells Screened Across the Water Table
Fractured Formations
Layered Formations
Major Methods of Data Analysis for Slug Tests
Confined and Unconfined Formations
High-K Formations
Performance of Slug Tests
General Equipment Overview
Data Processing and Analysis Strategies
Analysis Demonstrations and Exercises using AQTESOLV
Q & A Session / Discussion
Day Two
Classroom and Analysis Exercises Dedicated to Pumping Tests
The second day consists of real-world applications for evaluating how pumping tests can be designed, performed and analyzed with a series of lectures and analysis exercises. Topics will include:
Introduction to Pumping Tests
Major Applications
Overview of Procedures & Design Guidelines
Common Problems and How to Handle Them
Diagnostic Methods for Pumping Tests
Description of Flow Regimes
Diagnostic Flow Plots and Their Application
Derivative Analysis
Pumping Tests in Confined Aquifers
Wellbore Storage, Partial Penetration, Well Loss, Wellbore Skin
Single-Well Tests
Step-Drawdown Tests
Image Well Theory and Bounded Aquifers
Useful Examples / Case Studies
Recovery Tests
Principle of Superposition
Techniques for Recovery Analysis Including Agarwal Method
Case History
Analysis Demonstrations and Exercises using AQTESOLV
Q & A Session / Discussion
Get More From Pumping Tests Than Ever Before While Increasing Reliability
Day Three
Classroom Sessions
The third day includes a comprehensive series of lectures focused on pumping tests and winds down with pumping test analysis exercises.
Pumping Tests in Leaky Confined Aquifers
Conceptual Models
Mathematical Models
Hantush-Jacob (1955)
Hantush (1960)
Neuman-Witherspoon (1969)
Moench (1985)
Case Histories
Pumping Tests in Unconfined Aquifers
Conceptual Models
Mathematical Models
Neuman (1974)
Tartakovsky-Neuman (2007)
Case Histories (Instantaneous and Noninstantaneous Drainage)
Pumping Tests in Fractured Aquifers
Conceptual Models
Methods for Pumping Test Analysis
Case History
Pumping Tests: Additional Issues
High-K Media
Stream-Aquifer Systems
Characterising Aquifer Heterogeneity
Analysis Demonstrations and Exercises using AQTESOLV
Q & A Session / Discussion
Registration Information:
This course is hosted by Golder Associates Pty Ltd.. Golder Associates Pty Ltd is processing registrations and payments.
Advanced registration is necessary for participation in this limited-enrollment short course. Pre-registration is required to reserve space and receive course materials.
If you require special arrangements for diet, equipment, or handicap facilities, please indicate when registering for the course.
What you will receive:
You will receive 24.0 contact hours of instruction, a Field Guide for Slug Testing and Data Analysis, a Field Guide for Soil and Stratigraphic Analysis, a comprehensive 400+ page course notebook with many aquifer testing reference resources and a CEU completion certificate. You will also receive a special offer on purchasing AQTESOLV. Registration also includes continental breakfast, morning coffee break, lunch, and an afternoon break. Recording devices are not permitted during classroom sessions.
Course affiliates are not responsible for ticketing or expenses.
Jim Butler, PhD is author of "The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests" and for the last 26 years, he has worked as a research scientist at the Kansas Geological Survey. Jim Butler was the 2007 National
Ground Water Association Distinguished Darcy Lecturer and the recipient of the 2009 Pioneers in
Groundwater Award from the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Jim is author of many scientific papers dedicated to aquifer testing, direct push hydraulic profiling, and interactions between surface water and groundwater. Jim holds a B.S. in geology from the College of William and Mary, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied hydrogeology from Stanford University.
Glenn M. Duffield is the author of AQTESOLV and the founder and president of HydroSOLVE, Inc., a groundwater services firm headquartered in Reston, Virginia, USA. He is a senior quantitative hydrogeologist with over 30 years of professional consulting experience and the author of AQTESOLV, the world's leading software for aquifer test analysis since 1989. Glenn holds a bachelor's degree in geology from Juniata College and a master's degree in geology/hydrogeology from Penn State.
"These are the guys who literally wrote the book - excellent course, very helpful, and cutting edge." - Paul Blubaugh, Michael Pisani & Associates, Inc.
Jim Butler has completed the SECOND EDITION of "The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests" and it will be FIRST AVAILABLE at the aquifer testing course!
Testimonials from past Aquifer Testing Courses by Midwest GeoSciences Group
These are the guys who literally wrote the book - excellent course, very helpful, and cutting edge. - Paul Blubaugh, Michael Pisani & Associates, Inc.
This (is) the best course that I've ever attended and I look forward to future course offerings. Excellent! - Mark Larson, Larson & Associates
I enjoyed the course. Excellent insight and feedback with informative discussions. - Jason Whitman, Shaw Environmental
Great Course! Would highly recommend it to any hydrogeologist. - Dan Weber, Errol L. Montgomery & Associates
All-in-all, one of the best courses I've ever taken. - Cynthia Gefvert, South Florida Water Management District
The course was extremely helpful in identifying potential sources of error in our slug testing design and performance techniques. The guided software exercises by Glenn easily walked us through practical applications. - Jason LaRoche, Southwest Florida Water Management District
The class clarified how pumping and slug test equations are applied using AQTESOLV. I especially enjoyed learning to match oscillatory data from High-K aquifers and techniques for improving site characterization of my projects. - Brian Hennings, Natural Resource Technology, Inc.
The combination of lectures and computer lab make this an excellent course which I would recommend to anyone. - Chuck Ahrens, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
I enjoyed Glenn's ability to effectively translate and teach historical calculations into understandable application through the use of AQTESOLV. The course helped me to move from the "old school" data interpretation into the real-time world of 2006. - Glenn Beckingham
This course was ... what I hoped it would be. - Tim Daniluk
(The instructors) are each extremely knowledgable and capable teachers. - Scott Sigler
Good communicating of material and good range of content level; easy to follow; very welcoming environment. - Justan Bell
Jim Butler and Glenn Duffield are great teachers and knowledgeable experts. - Jay Mednick
Well presented content and enthusiastic (instructors). - Trevor Branch
Awesome Course! - Jennifer Thompson; ERM, Inc.
Excellent course, well organized and full of practical information for anyone who uses analytical techniques to estimate hydraulic parameters. Great Class! - Jon Benedict, Washoe County Water Resources
All presentations were helpful and well covered. - Joe Vickers, Wellspec
The course was excellent! The instructors were fantastic. Both the slug testing and pumping test analysis portions were valuable. Data analysis (during my on-going aquifer testing projects) will be better now with the information I have obtained from this course. - Monica Westlake, AMEC Calgary
I really enjoyed the course! - - Linda Aller, Bennett and Williams
A very professionally conducted course. The personal care that was also put into the handouts, computer exercises, and even lunch was an asset to this 3-day course. - Darla Latham, Petroleum Services
I'd be willing to take this course a third time.... - Mark Larson, Larson & Associates
I had little experience designing and conducting slug tests and pumping tests .... before this course, so this course was a great experience for me. - Anonymous
I like the applied knowledge and experience conveyed by the instructors. - Jaron Andrews
Course notebook and handouts are amazing.... - Ben Paras
This course took (my aquifer testing) experience to the next level. - Jake McDermott
As a geologist, I have performed dozens - if not hundreds - of slug tests and aquifer pumping tests.. This course has tied together a lot of loose ends for me and I have gained valuable insight and knowledge. The (course session) about the set up of slug tests and aquifer tests and common problems and considerations was extremely helpful for me. - Britt Callahan
One-on-one interaction with the instructors to discuss my (specific) project questions was most valuable to me. The course provided me with powerful tools for current and future ground water projects. - Rocco Fiori, Fiori GeoSciences, Inc.
Having my questions answered by the guys who develop the software (and wrote the book on slug testing) was most valuable to me. The tour was awesome and meeting the people who handle technical support. - Thai Hubbard, ARCADIS
Good introduction to (aquifer testing) with most practical information for running tests. Good information for using software (applied) to a large variety of solutions. - Ted VanHolland, Rendezvous Engineering, Inc.
The entire course was extremely helpful. I learned more about aquifer testing in two days than in (many) years of practice. Excellent course. Excellent Instructors, Great Presentations, Engaging Speakers. - Anthony Harding, Schnabel Engineering
I got what I wanted and more from the class and instructors. And I am recommending 'MidwestGeo' classes to friends - Chris Palmer
Venue and Accommodations
Two Locations and Dates:
Brisbane, Course One January 22-24, 2020 (Wed-Fri)
Christie Spaces
320 Adelaide St
Brisbane, QLD 4000
Melbourne, Course Two January 28-30, 2020 (Tues-Thurs)
Main Ballroom Conference Center
Element Melbourne Richmond Hotel
588 Swan Street
Richmond, VIC 3121
Brisbane, Course One
Christie Spaces
320 Adelaide St
Brisbane, QLD 4000
Melbourne, Course Two
Element Melbourne Richmond Hotel
588 Swan Street
Richmond, VIC 3121
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