Dates and Location:
University of California Los Angeles
UCLA Ackerman Union
Los Angeles, California
Course One: 03 May, 2016 (Tuesday)
Course Two: 04 and 05 May, 2016 (Wednesday and Thursday)
Continuing Education Information:
Course One: 8 Professional Development Hours
Course Two: 16 Professional Development Hours
Course Completion Certificate will be administered by Midwest GeoSciences Group. Optional CEU Certificates will be awarded based on the duration of participation in either or both courses. Contact Hours. Most state professional licensure programs accept CEUs for this course.
Learn to solve today's groundwater problems using quantitative assessment methods and groundwater models. Sharpen your skills in selecting, creating, applying, and reviewing the correct groundwater models for your project situation.
An optional concurrent Breakout Session is being offered to specifically address how to create and apply suitable groundwater models for California's Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs).
Maximize your benefit from both courses using exercises, workshops, and computer sessions. Discover new ways to use your existing groundwater experience for saving time while achieving reliable results.
Applied Groundwater Modeling was released in 2015. Course Instructor, Randy Hunt, co-authored this landmark textbook that has become one of the most widely used groundwater modeling books in history.
 Applied Groundwater Modeling released 2015 Authors: Mary Anderson, William Woessner and Randy Hunt |
 Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow Author: Henk Haitjema (A pdf version of this book is included with your course fee) |
Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow is considered a landmark textbook and it authored by course instructor, Henk Haitjema. Henk is also the creator of GFLOW which is the most widely used analytic element model in the world.
Hydrogeologic analysis is fundamental for enabling well-informed management decisions while groundwater modeling is a critical tool used for solving and predicting groundwater flow. Unfortunately, the industry's state-of-practice overlooks simple steps for assessing groundwater impacts and often lacks a proper understanding of building and evaluating ground water models.
These two courses present a spectrum of tools ranging from simple quantitative assessment to quickly building easy-to-use groundwater models. Both courses progress and present advances in groundwater modeling applied to resource management, contamination, and advective ground water flow.
Course 1:
Quantitative Approaches and Solutions for Today's Groundwater Problems
May 3, 2016
Learn to solve today's groundwater problems using quantitative assessment methods and groundwater models. Sharpen your skills in selecting, creating, applying, and reviewing the correct groundwater models for your project situation. Introduce yourself to modern modeling advances.
- Developing Hydrogeologic Intuition and Identifying Groundwater Impacts
- Using Quantitative Solutions to Modernize Our Conceptual Approach
- Identifying Certainty vs. Uncertainty in Data and Models
- Recognizing Applications and Limitations for Models
- Avoiding Common Modeling Mistakes with Examples
- Case Studies Using Different Models with At-A-Glance Assessment Techniques
Course Two:
Groundwater Management Using Models: Hands-On Course with Workshops
May 4 & 5, 2016
Recent advances are rapidly improving our understanding and conceptualization of groundwater systems. Stress from natural groundwater problems coupled with impacts from contamination demand sound judgements about groundwater management.
Numerical modeling advances are rapidly progressing too. Groundwater modeling is capable of more while becoming easier to use. The groundwater flow model GFLOW is gaining popularity because of it's quick deployment, ease of use, and it's robust nature coupled with simple migration to MODFLOW and other modeling packages.
- Auditing and Evaluating Groundwater Models
- Prioritizing Quality Monitoring Data and Data Quantity
- Considering Stakeholders and Economics into Groundwater Decision Making
- Improving Efficiency in Assessing Groundwater Impacts Through Stepwise Modeling
- Identifying Appropriate Modeling Techniques
- Quickly Learning GFLOW groundwater modeling software
- Effortlessly migrating from GFLOW to MODFLOW
- Simulating Advective Transport Using GFLOW or MODFLOW
- Applying Models to Groundwater Sustainability Plans
- Using Models for Remediation Performance Evaluation
- Case Studies Using Different Models with At-A-Glance Assessment Techniques
Models for Groundwater Sustainability Plans by Dr. Tim Ross, Califonia Dept of Water Resources
- The purpose of groundwater models for GSPs.
- New rule implementation for GSPs (to be published in June) - get it ahead of time.
- Important tips for consultants about the models applied to GSPs.
- Question and Answer Session
To Register:
Please Call Dan Kelleher at 763.607.0092
Registration Information:
Advanced registration is necessary for participation in this limited-enrollment short course. Pre-registration is required to reserve space and receive course materials. A minimum of 25 people must be registered at the early registration deadline to conduct any short course (we have never cancelled a course due to low enrollment).
Cancellations may be made up to two weeks before the course, however, 25 percent of the course fee will be charged. No refunds. One substitute is permitted for each registration who is unable to attend.
Course One: $199*
* Applied when registering for both courses during early registration period
Professional Rate (before April 22): $499
Professional Rate (after April 22): $599
Course Two: $649*
* Applied when registering for both courses during early registration period
Professional Rate (before April 22): $849
Professional Rate (after April 22): $1180
Optional Add-Ons:
1. TEXT BOOK: Applied Groundwater Modeling (Anderson, Woessner and Hunt, 2015): $89
(Standard notebooks are excellent printing quality, but black and white)
Government Discount: Register 4 for the price of 2.
- Phone registration only. Must register all four at one time.
Professional Group Rate: Register 4 and the 5th is FREE
- Phone or online registration. Must register all five at one time.
Student Discounts: For students enrolled full-time enrollment, upon availability. Please call.
What you get:
Personal tutorial
Book: Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow by Henk Haitjema (pdf file)
Light breakfast items, coffee and water
On-campus lunch that allows you to choose your favorites
Light afternoon break items, soda and water
Henk Haitjema, PhD is internationally-recognized as an authority on groundwater flow modeling and is the 2015 Executive Editor of National Ground Water Association's GROUNDWATER.
Henk is the creator of GFLOW which is the most widely used analytic element model in the world. He is also the book author of Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow. Henk was also the lead developer of the groundwater flow model WhAEM for the US EPA, which is primarily used for capture zone delineation in the context of wellhead protection.
He is Professor Emeritus at Indiana University where he taught groundwater courses for nearly 30 years. He received his Master's degree in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands and his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Minnesota. As Professor at Indiana University, not only did he teach groundwater flow modeling, but he also taught applied mathematics at the IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Henk has a gift of teaching coupled with an unequalled understanding of groundwater flow modeling. His modeling experience and mathematical background are uniquely qualified to apply a spectrum of solutions for solving groundwater problems, is especially valuable for efficiently solving quantitative ground water problems and using groundwater models.
Randy Hunt, PhD, PH is an adjunct professor for the UW-Madison Department of Geoscience and a Research Hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey. At UW-Madison, he teaches university courses in groundwater flow and modeling.
Randy is internationally-recognized for his applied groundwater research and he is a coauthor of the 2nd Edition of Applied Groundwater Modeling (2015), a seminal modeling text written by Mary Anderson and Bill Woessner.
He continues to work on applied research focusing on groundwater, surface water, and their interactions with societally relevant decision-making. Randy received a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Geology and Business. He received a Master's of Science and Ph.D. degree in Hydrogeology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Randy's perspective is especially valuable for efficiently solving quantitative ground water problems because of his broad experience working as an environmental consultant, an adjunct professor and Research Hydrologist.
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