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Title: Managing the Complexities and Uncertainties of Soil Sequences:
For Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Investigations:

Part 1,Principles (Day One)
Part 2,Field Strategies (Day Two)
Part 3,Soil Core Analysis, Correlation, and Soils Logging Day (Day Three)

Register for ALL 3-Parts for one price, or
Register for the Parts 1 and 2 for one price, or
Register for Part 3 for one price.

Date: Wednesday-Thursday, May 7-8, 2025 (Part 1 and Part 2)
Friday, May 9, 2025 (Part 3)

Location: Glacial Till Vineyard and Winery
344 S. 2nd Rd
Palmyra, Nebraska 68418

Collaboration: Proudly in collaboration with the
Discounts available for NGS members.

more info here

  • Dan Kelleher, PG, CIPM, Hydrogeologist and
    Principal, Midwest GeoSciences Group.

  • Tim Kemmis, PhD, PG, Hydrogeologist and
    Co-Founder, Midwest GeoSciences Group.

  • Paul Hanson, PhD, Quaternary Geologist,
    Director of Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit,
    University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

  • Susan Grover, MSc, PG, Washington, DC

  • Ted Huscher, PG, Geologist,
    USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service.

Special Thanks to: Olsson, Lincoln, Nebraska, for providing drilling services.

Olsson provides clients a full range of engineering,
design, and field services.

Video Link to the Olsson Summary of the Pilot Boring

Continuing Education Information: 8.0 Professional Development Hours each day
(0.8 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) each day)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and a Course Completion Certificate will be administered by Midwest GeoSciences Group.

  • Nebraska Water Well Drillers

  • Kansas Professional Geologists

  • Missouri Professional Geologists

  • Colorado Recognized Environmental Professionals

  • New York State Professional Geologists
    and Professional Engineers

  • Maryland Professional Engineers

  • Pennsylvania Professional Geologists

  • New Hampshire Professional Geologists

  • Iowa Certified Ground Water Professionals

  • Nebraska Water Well Drillers
    (8.0 Contact Hours per day or 0.8 CEUS per day)

  • Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professionals
    (Parts One and Two, Course ID: CT-LEP 443)

  • Massachusetts Licensed Site Professionals
    (Part One Course ID: MA-LSP 1606)
    (Part Two Course ID: MA-LSP 1606B)

  • Delaware Professional Geologists

  • South Carolina Professional Geologists
    (Course No. SCPG # 1927)

  • New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professionals
    (Parts One and Two, Course 2017-043)

(If there's a license program pre-approval requirement that we missed, let us know.)

Who should attend: Professional ground-water scientists, engineers, project managers, compliance-program managers and remedial-design managers characterize complex soil sequences, relate geotechnical properties to the site-specific soils, understand groundwater flow through the sequences, and install dependable groundwater monitoring systems.
How to Prepare: Be prepared to immediately dive into a series of lectures, workshops and self-tests that are designed to help empower you unravel subsurface complexities like no other course.

We start at the beginning and boldly address the challenges we all face in our profession...and then move into principles and strategies for managing subsurface uncertainties for ground water and geotechnical projects.

Bring your pen and calculator and we will provide the rest to facilitate your participation during indoor sessions and workshops. There is no field component to Part One. Parts Two and Three are the field components so don't miss them.

Soil Boring GT-1 pictured from 2024

Course Details

Unmatched Opportunity to Learn

The principles taught in class can be applied to almost any sedimentary sequence at nearly any site. We are drilling two soil borings in different landscape positions that provide a priceless opportunity for learning about important sedimentary attributes; such as depositional processes from different environments, erosional processes and re-sedimentation, stratigraphy, classification, soil development, secondary jointing, weathering zones and how landscape position impacts secondary weathering processes.

Each of these attributes directly control the hydrogeologic system and the nature of geotechnical properties. And each attribute is critical for understanding ground water gradients, monitoring, modeling, contaminant fate and transport, dewatering, and the design of excavations, foundations, tunnels.

Glacial Till Winery and Vineyard: Exquisite Location to Learn

The Glacial Till Winery and Vineyard is an exquisite location to learn strategies to unravel sedimentary sequences because of both the common and wide-variety of geologic processes identified at the site.

The Glacial Till Winery and Vineyard is located in the Dissected Till Plains Section of eastern Nebraska. The Winery occupies both the hilltop landforms and lower drainageway valleys. Pilot Boring GT-1 is located in the valley on the eastern edge of the vineyard property.

The episodic depositional events in the valleys result in the differential preservation of the deposits that would have recorded the history of both alluvial erosional and depositional events in the valleys. In other words, later erosional events can remove all or portions of earlier alluvium, and so on. The geologic record, as they say, is incomplete. And as a result, complex along with providing a uniquely exquisite opportunity to learn and practice.

To manage complex sedimentary sequences,
it is essential to apply basic geologic principles.

Drilling professionals from Olsson continuously drilled Pilot Boring GT-1 in June 2024 in preparation for this training. Olsson provides clients a full range of engineering, design, and field services. The boring was located in the drainageway valley along the eastern edge of Glacial Till Winery. You can find information from that boring in the link below.

One of the borings in this upcoming training will be located near the Pilot Boring GT-1 in order to re-establish the sedimentary sequence in the drainageway valley. The other boring will be drilled on the hilltop which is a rare opportunity to see subsurface relationships between both stratigraphy and landscape.

Applying Basic Geologic Principles to Solve Complex Issues

This course is designed to build on concepts that begin with applying the Principles of Geology.

Once the stage is set, then we move into the field to watch the drilling reveal stratigraphic units. We will see a sedimentary sequence that's a result of various common depositional, erosional, and re-sedimented processes coupled with secondary alterations of weathering in both the shallow subsurface and deeper. The course peaks with the sedimentary analysis of two vertical profiles and the boring-to-boring correlation. We will discuss applications of the findings to ground water, environmental and engineering projects.

Principles, Part One (Classroom)

Part One teaches fundamental geologic principles that can be applied to any sedimentary sequence at any site. On Day One, we will begin with presenting regional geologic context and then progress into strategies for applying geologic fundamentals to professional projects. We will teach how executing both proper procedures and stratigraphic synthesis can set up field staff - and projects - for success. This part of the training teaches geologic principles in order to better understand the sedimentary sequence presented in Part Two and Part Three.

After all, how confident can you be in a Conceptual Site Model
if you don't understand site stratigraphy and subsurface relationships?

Soil classifications and sediment descriptions are procedural, and they are the easy part. Lithology alone is not geology. And while "hydrostratigraphy" has merit for regional investigations using some large data sets of well drillers logs, differentiating aquifers (coarse-grained deposits) from aquitards (fine-grained deposits) on a site-specific basis is erroneous because it does not reveal lateral and vertical subsurface geologic relationships, leaving uncertainty. The challenge is synthesizing the subsurface geology by deciphering depositional environments, and then translating the sedimentary sequence and relationships onto our soil boring logs.

Field Strategies, Part Two (Classroom and Field)

Part Two begins with drilling TWO SOIL CORES. One boring will be drilled in the drainageway valley and another boring located on the hilltop. This is a unique opportunity to learn the field strategies for deciphering depositional environments and priceless chance to gain technical insight about unravelling the complexities of sedimentary sequences for hydrogeologic and geotechnical projects.

Lithology alone is not geology.
Soil classifications are not a substitute for stratigraphy.

Two continuous soil cores will be placed from end-to-end on tables adjacent to each other allowing correlation. Seeing the correlation with your own eyes between the two side-by-side soil cores are the moment of discovery that reveals the geologic framework and subsurface relationships. This moment of discovery has shown to be the paradigm shift in the mindset with how we conceptualize geology. It can alter the trajectory of your field skills, habits, and performance. The course includes exercises and tutorials for deciphering depositional processes, building the stratigraphic framework, and translating it to a Conceptual Site Model.

Soil Core Analysis, Correlation, and Soils Logging Day, Part Three (Field)

Part Three includes stratigraphic analysis, boring-to-boring correlation strategies, and soils logging practice. Learn to sharpen your field skills and learn ways to efficiently analyze, correlate, and document stratigraphy on your soil boring logs. Translating the sedimentary sequence to soil boring logs is a priceless skill that goes beyond just logging lithology.

Recognizing depositional processes can be daunting but combine erosional contacts and secondary weathering impacts and it's no wonder our industry struggles to create reliable soil boring logs that reveal the geology and subsurface relationships.

Although the regional geology provides a basis for the general stratigraphic framework, there's no universal model that we can apply to unravel site-specific subsurface complexities and whether we are willing to admit it or not, there's no short cut merely using mapping tools or methods.

You benefit from our established exercises
and teaching experience.

This is a unique training opportunity that normally cannot be taught during professional projects. We've designed these streamlined field exercises based on our past teaching experiences during similar workshops. With two soil cores, it will be an unmatched opportunity to learn and practice.

A Word About Experience: Bring Your Entire Team

There is no substitute for learning together.

Opportunities to learn during training courses like this are rare - and priceless. Being able to decipher geology requires two things: (1) being capable and (2) being willing to do it. Without a basic background in Geology, it's a challenge to apply the fundamentals of sedimentology and stratigraphy to projects. And even when we are capable of it, but not willing to take the time and decipher a sedimentary sequence -instead relying solely on only a mapping tool- we lose not only the opportunity to learn but risk not identifying the Sole Independent Variable, the geology which controls site relationships and conditions.

Executing procedures are an individual performance metric. Synthesizing the subsurface is a project team performance metric.

Don't squander the opportunity to learn as a team.

Group Registrations are limited in this training. You can appreciate the effectiveness this training will have on an entire team by (1) learning the same procedures together, (2) analyzing the soil cores collectively, and (3) practicing as a team. Your team will not only learn to complete and accurate soil boring logs but gain consistency too. Call for group registration discounts: 763.607.0092



Seating is limited.
Group discounts are limited.
Registrations are only accepted online.

Advanced registration is necessary for participation in this limited-enrollment training course. Pre-registration is required to reserve space and receive course materials. If you require special arrangements for diet, equipment, or handicap facilities, please indicate when registering for the course.

Each day provides 8.0 contact hours of instruction, morning coffee, lunch, and afternoon snack.

Registrants for Part One and Two receive a Course Notebook, a GLACIAL SEDIMENTS LAMINATED CHART, FIELD GUIDE FOR SOIL AND STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, and all the classroom materials for the exercises and tutorials, and a course completion certificate from Midwest GeoSciences Group.

Registrants for Part Three receive a FIELD GUIDE FOR SOIL AND STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS and all the materials for the field exercises and tutorials, and a course completion certificate from Midwest GeoSciences Group.

Members of both the Nebraska Geological Society and Midwest GeoSciences Group are eligible for registration discount during the early registration period. Receive up to $500 in discounts when members of both register before the early registration deadline.

Click-on the NGS tab for more information.


ONE fee, THREE registration options:
(1) Part One and Part Two, or
(2) Part Three only, or
(3) All Three Parts

( just use the appropriate registration button above )

ONLY $499*

Early Registration Fee (NGS member only): $599.00
Early Registration Fee (MidwestGeo member only): $699.00
*Early Registration Fee (dual membership): $499.00

Early Registration Fee (non-members): $799.00
Early Registration Deadline: April 25, 2025

Late Registration Fee (member or non-member): $999.00

Group Registrations are available on a first come, first served basis. Call for pricing: 763.607.0092 (Groups are five or more people from the same company).

Terms and Conditions


The online registration allows registrants to add items to their course registration.

Item No 1:
Full-Color Printed Notebook for $89.00.
( available for Part 1 and Part 2 )

Early registration discounts may be applied when payment is received by April 30, 2025. Terms and Conditions apply.

Cancellations may be made up April 30, 2025, however, 50 percent of the course fee will be charged or a credit will be issued. No refunds on or after May 1, 2025.

One substitute is allowed for each registrant who is unable to attend. However substitutions are not allowed between Part One and Part Two courses.

Technical Questions: For registration and technical questions about the course, contact Dan Kelleher at either 763.607.0092 or


Dan Kelleher, PG, CIPM
Dan Kelleher is a hydrogeologist dedicated to hydrogeological and geotechnical analysis of sedimentary sequences, aquifer testing, fractured rock hydrogeology, and predictive ground water modeling. Dan's business acumen promotes personal trust, integrity, and relentless QA/QC.

Dan leads specialized technical teams for challenging projects and facilitates educational courses and webinars for geologists, engineers and environmental scientists.

He and Tim Kemmis co-founded of Midwest GeoSciences Group to simply professionals to do better job of TAKING THE MYSTERY OUT OF THE SUBSURFACE (R), this course is part of the journey.

Tim Kemmis, PhD, PG
Tim Kemmis is recognized for his multidisciplinary work in geology, pedology, and geotechnical engineering. Working as a research geologist at the Iowa and Illinois State Geological Surveys, he has conducted extensive research in glacial and fluvial sedimentology, geomorphology, stratigraphy, fractured tills, soil science, and sand-and-gravel aggregate resources. In the environmental industry he has worked for over 20 years as lead hydrogeologist and project manager. For the Midwest GeoSciences Group, Tim has conducted workshops and webinars on use and misuse of the Unified Soil Classification System, how to create boring logs that take the mystery out of the subsurface, and how to unravel complex glacial successions for environmental and engineering projects.

Tim's unique perspective between research and consulting enables Tim to recognize efficiencies in every aspect of work. He teaches consultant's not only how to create accurate and complete boring logs, but Tim helps consultants read the story that the sediments are telling.

Paul Hanson, PhD
Paul Hanson, is an associate director of the School of Natural Resources. I am also an assistant professor in SNR. I'm associated with the geography/GIScience faculty and the geology and soils faculty.

My main research interests are studying the responses of river, hillslope, and eolian (wind-deposited) systems to climate change. My research goals include studying the evolution of the Platte River system, the responses of rivers and dune systems to climate change in the recent past, and the causes for stream incision on the western Great Plains and the central Rocky Mountains.

For much of this work, I use optical dating techniques (aka "Optically Stimulated Luminescence", a relatively new dating technique that is used for recently deposited geological materials) to construct chronologies of river, dune, and hillslope sediments. These studies are important for identifying the long-term climatic conditions in Nebraska, particularly concerning the nature of drought events and changes in flood magnitudes in the region.

Other aspects of my research involve producing surficial geologic maps, and studying groundwater resources in eastern Nebraska. These kinds of studies are important to achieve a better understanding of our groundwater and other geological resources that are of economic importance in Nebraska.

I teach courses in physical geography and lead natural resource field trip courses to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota and Big Bend National Park in Texas.

Susan Grover, M.Sc., P.G.
Susan Grover, M.Sc., P.G., is the National Geologist for the USDA National Resources Conservation Service in Washington, DC. She supports staff nationwide and serves as the national discipline lead for eight conservation practice standards. Prior to her work in Washington DC, Susan worked for 10+ years as the NRCS State Conservation Geologist for Ohio, and more than a decade of experience before that working in environmental consulting and Department of Defense contracting.

Prior to moving to Washington DC to serve as National Geologist, Susan led projects and teams for more than ten years as the NRCS State Conservation Geologist for Ohio, and worked more than a decade before that working in environmental consulting and Department of Defense contracting.

Susan has a Master of Science degree (engineering geology) from Purdue University, a Bachelor of Science degree (geology) from Bowling Green State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication also from Bowling Green.

Susan is also retired from a parallel career in the Army National Guard where she served as an enlisted medic/ medical non-commissioned officer from 1985 until 2001 when she was commissioned as a Medical Service Corps Officer retiring in 2010 as a Captain and Company Commander. Her service included a tour in Afghanistan (2004 - 2005) and Iraq (2008) as well as several state emergencies

Ted Huscher, PG, Geologist
Ted Huscher is a 5th generation Nebraskan, that grew up in an Omaha bedroom community with an excellent school system, moved to a small Saunders County town/high school from where his father graduated, got his B.S. in Geology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and has worked in geology/geosciences for the past 38+ years. He most loves working in the field, is happiest when he brings home something he discovered (including a story, a rock or a fossil), and likes most about his job the people he works with. Ted has been married to Nora for 30 years. They have two children: son Midshipman Drew and daughter Elise who is in her 2nd year at a local Nursing College. He plans to retire "when he is old" and will continue to travel Europe until unable. In the meantime, his many hobbies include reading military history, collecting old postcards and working hard to stay out of trouble, all with a laugh and a smile.

  • B.S. Geology- University of Nebraska Lincoln 1985

  • USDA-SCS National Soil Survey Lab (Federal Government) - Lincoln, NE 6.5 years as Physical Science Aid & Physical Science Technician; Worked in the NSSL as an undergraduate (WAE) processing soils, and during graduate school, in particle size analysis and minerology, both part time, then full time.

  • Coranco (Private Industry)-Wahoo, NE 5 years as Environmental Consulting Geologist/Hydrogeologist; Worked in NE, IA, KS and SD primarily performing hydrogeologic investigations and characterizations of underground storage tank contamination (fuel, carbon tetrachloride, and perchloro ethylene) sites, and their subsequent remediations.

  • Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District (Multi-County Tax Authority Entity) - Valentine, NE 2 years as Water Programs Manager; Helped develop & implement the MNNRD's water monitoring prog. from both quality & quantity concern perspectives including installation of ltd. paleo-valley monitoring wells.

  • Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (State) - Lincoln, NE 8.5 years as Program Specialist; Worked in the Superfund Section, primarily as the Voluntary Cleanup Programs and Brownfields Coordinator utilizing gained geology and hydrogeology knowledge, skills and abilities to address environmental cleanup concerns to free up properties for redevelopment.

  • USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS); Geological Services Unit (Federal Government) - Lincoln, NE 16 years as Geologist servicing Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and often Kansas; Characterize sites for implementation of conservation engineering practices, primarily regarding watershed dams, ag waste site and streambank stabilization.

  • USDA-NRCS Nat'l Design, Construction & Soil Mechanics Ctr. (Fed. Government) - Lincoln, NE over 2 years as Geologist (of Sept. 2023). Support states with review of geologic/geotechnical submittals, coordinate with engineering, conduct various trainings, and assist in the soil mechanics laboratory.

  • Ted has been the Secretary for the League of World War One Aviation Historians for the past 13 years.


Feedback from the Soils Workshop, "PART ONE, PRINCIPLES"
[ Feedback Forms are anonymous ]

  • "This course was great - I wish I had it at the beginning of my career."

  • "Good course, it exceeded my expectations. I was happy to see practical examples in contaminant transport, far beyond just soil classification."

  • "Very qualified instructors who were also engaging speakers."

  • "Instructors were very knowledgeable, and I could relate very well to their discussions."

  • "High quality course with relevant content."

  • "All of it was excellent."

  • "The entire course was excellent."

  • "Excellent instructors with helpful case studies."

  • "Great course!"

  • "The overview of field analysis and geotechnical methods was excellent and most relevant to my work."

  • "I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot. It also refreshed a lot of ideas."

  • "This course should be the standard for all geologic logging and managing subsurface uncertainty."

Venue and Accommodations


Glacial Till Vineyard and Winery
344 S. 2nd Rd
Palmyra, Nebraska 68418

Map and Directions to Classroom

click on map for details


AmericInn by Wyndham
Lincoln South

8701 Amber Hill Court
Lincoln, Nebraska 68526
Hotel Phone: 402.420.0027

$89.00 night
Block Name: MidwestGeo

Reservation Link with Room Block Rate:

Accommodations include complimentary hot breakfast, heated indoor pool, fitness room, free high-speed wireless internet, guest laundry facilities, business center, free parking, and 100% smoke free. Room amenities include a flat screen TV, microwave, refrigerator, iron and ironing board, hair dryer, coffee maker and desk.

Free parking at the AmericInn.

Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Lincoln Downtown

905 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-904-6701

$139.00 night (plus parking)
Block Name: MidwestGeo

Reservation Link with Room Block Rate:

For those who want to stay downtown Lincoln and near the "Haymarket & Railyard District" which is known for some of Lincoln's finest restaurants and exciting nightlife establishments, the Holiday Inn Express Lincoln Downtown is offering participants a discounted room rate.

Guest rooms are equipped with a microwave and mini-refrigerator + either a king bed or two-queen beds; while our spacious king or two-queen guest room suites have the luxury of also having a comfortable pull-out sofa sleeper. Our complimentary Express Start hot breakfast is served daily, complimentary Wi-Fi is available to all our guests, and 24-hour access to our fitness facility will keep your routine intact.

Only Valet Parking available onsite at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites.

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