Practical Design Guidelines to Get More from Your Test Data
Discover and learn the most up-to-date information about
aquifer pumping test techniques from some of the most
recognized authorities in ground water.
Pre-Course Self-Assessment and Study Materials:
Schedule time for yourself to review the pre-course study materials. Learning the fundamentals of each consecutive element will help you learn deeper, apply the knowledge, and get clarification for those topics that apply most to your personal interest. We are here to help you dive deep into the course and gain a mastery of the fundamentals.
The personalized experience allows each registrant to learn (1) at their own experience level, (2) at their own pace, and (3) and in a private setting except when they have questions or request extra tutorials.
You're encouraged to participate on the live course modules in order to interact with the instructor. If you prefer to watch a module at a later time as an On-Demand Option at your own pace, you are welcome to do it. The live events are scheduled on Thursdays at 2:00 PM ET from October 8 to November 12. If you miss a live module, you have 6 months to initiate it as an On-Demand Webinar.
Prelude to Module 1:
Registrants can prepare for Module 1 by studying the module summary before the live event and preparing questions for the instructor, Jim Butler, Ph.D. Module 1 covers the fundamental design guidelines for optimizing test results. The instructor will be available for live questions throughout the module.
MODULE ONE sets the stage by establishing good practices for designing aquifer pumping tests. Like any groundwater investigation, a pumping test should be planned and executed by experienced staff, using reliable equipment, in a safe working environment.
However, test design can be daunting, even for experienced staff. Challenges with deciphering geologic complexities, pumping well location and construction, observation well placement, background water monitoring, understanding test duration and pumping rates, inconsistent pumping rates, poor water level recording, preventing equipment failure, and even discharge water management each can require field troubleshooting, and that does not even consider data management or analysis strategies.
Bring your questions to the course and learn the insights starting with practical design guidelines.
- Test Purpose and Mechanics
- Key Conceptual Considerations
- The homogeneity assumption
- What do we estimate?
- Pumping rate and duration
- Key Practical Considerations
- Hydrostratigraphic context
- Expected hydraulic conditions
- Pumping well versus observation well
- Care in measurements
- Pre- and Post-Test Monitoring
- Duration
- Primary purposes
- Identify key mechanisms
- Check/calibrate equipment
- Concluding Comments
Proficiency Test:
Confirm your knowledge after the course module with a self-test.
Register now for this unique online-offline course
that presents key insights about aquifer pumping tests
that are found nowhere else online.
Whether you want to apply aquifer pumping tests to hydrogeologic characterization, water supply development or remediation design, this Online-Offline Course will provide attendees with information that is not available elsewhere on the web.
Jim Butler, senior scientist and geohydrologist at the Kansas Geological Survey, is the 2020 recipient of the National Ground Water Association's M. King Hubbert Award.
The association's highest scientific honor, the award is given annually for major scientific or engineering contributions that advance the understanding of groundwater through research, writing, teaching, and practical applications.

Jim Butler teaching advanced aquifer testing in West Chester, Pennsylvania 2019.
Instructor Bio
Jim Butler, Ph.D.
Jim Butler is the author of "The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests" (Second Edition). He currently is a Senior Scientist in the Geohydrology Section of the Kansas Geological Survey at the University of Kansas, where he has worked for over 30 years.
His research interests include aquifer testing, assessment of aquifers that support irrigated agriculture, high-resolution subsurface characterization, well responses to natural and anthropogenic stimuli, and the role of phreatophytes in stream-aquifer systems.
Jim holds a B.S. in Geology from the College of William and Mary, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Hydrogeology from Stanford University. Jim was the 2007 Darcy Distinguished Lecturer of the National Ground Water Association (NGWA), the 2009 Pioneers in Groundwater Award honoree by the American Society of Civil Engineers - Environmental and Water Resources Institute, and, most recently, the 2020 recipient of NGWA's M. King Hubbert Award.
Jim helps advance the environmental and engineering industry through teaching professionals about both slug testing and pumping tests. Jim has taught more than 40 courses with Midwest GeoSciences Group. This webinar is another step toward that advancement and we are grateful to have Jim Butler teach this purposeful and applied webinar.