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On-Demand Webinars


Learn the Steps to Delegate a Task
Knowing It Will Be Fully Completed On Time

Bill Truby will teach the step-wise procedures
for delegating a task that you can use
with anyone, anywhere, anytime.

EVERYONE DELEGATES something, sometime. In fact, a good Project Manager MUST delegate to be successful. But most Project Managers DON'T delegate because they often think it's "easier to do it myself," or they aren't confident the task will actually get done. And we all know, just asking someone to do something isn't enough to know it will be fully completed on time, nearly every time.

That's why we're teaching this step-by-step system to delegate and ensure the task gets done right the first time!

Delegation is more than just a one-sided request, no matter how detailed and specific it is. Delegation requires a dialogue, sometimes it's simple and brief while some assignments require more detail.

But every successful delegation includes a few "ingredients", no matter how simple or complex. And knowing these ingredients makes delegation both conceptually fast and easy to execute.

The delegation process needs accountability. But, do you think you can MAKE someone accountable? If so, then you're probably approaching delegation incorrectly. Instead, learn what it means to work with accountable people.

Lastly, DELEGATION IS A KEY COMPONENT OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT. And despite our routine reliance on delegating tasks as project managers, it's surprising how many PMs are just mediocre at doing it. Part of the problem is a lack of understanding of the mechanics of delegation.

This stuff is not all intuitive. If you want to change your delegation habits within 60 minutes during this FREE webinar then - REGISTER TODAY!

In one hour, you'll learn:

  • The Step-wise Procedures to Delegate.
  • What a successful delegation looks like.
  • How to make it a natural way of doing things, with anyone.
  • YOUR responsibility as a leader to make this all work!

Instructors Bio

Bill Truby, M.A., MFT, CML

Bill Truby, is a psychology-trained consultant, speaker, author and educator whose focus is on improving the quality of human fulfillment and performance in organizations. His clients include architectural, engineering and related design profession firms; manufacturing companies, dental and medical offices, hospitals, wineries, insurance companies, schools, churches, health clubs, and various product, service and sales organizations.

Bill's work includes consulting for goal setting, team building, strategic planning, management transition; and training in leadership, communications, sales, delegation, motivation, and other organizational skills. He has developed a 5-Step process that ensures success in any organization. He has also developed a three day Personal Growth Intensive that is truly life-changing.

Truby is a popular speaker and workshop leader for the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Professional Services Management Association, the American Society of Association Executives, the Society of Architectural Administrators, California Association of Hospital Admission Managers, and the American Institute of Architects.

He has worked extensively throughout the United States as well as Australia, Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong. Bill has a Master's Degree in Psychology and has been teaching personal, interpersonal and organizational success strategies for the past 30 years.

Joann Truby, AA, CML

Joann Truby is an experienced consultant, speaker, author, trainer, facilitator, and leadership coach. She has been a consultant to scores of businesses helping them be successful. Her energetic speaking and training sessions not only provide the attendees with meaningful, practical and usable information, she also motivates people to do what she is teaching.

Joann has a broad-based perspective as a consultant, which qualifies her to help firms on many fronts. Her background and training enables her to deal with everyday issues such as wellness, stress management, and time management. She also brings to clients the ability to train in communication, leadership, conflict management and teamwork; plus she aptly facilitates a variety of processes, from goal setting to having effective retreats. Her clients include architectural, engineering and related design profession firms; manufacturing companies, dental and medical offices, hospitals, wineries, insurance companies, schools, health clubs, and various product, service and sales organizations.

As a trainer, leader and educator, Joann's experiential and intuitive approach brings to the clients of The Truby Achievement Center a powerful dimension success. Those who experience her genuine, energetic spirit find motivation and a spirit of helpfulness that leads each individual to believe in the benefits of striving for personal success and balance in life thus creating more personal fulfillment and corporate success.

One of Joann's unique and special talents is the ability to intuitively give input to the process in a training session. She knows exactly what to say and do to bring a group of people through a difficult spot or get through an impasse. She also is a superior leadership coach. Many top leaders have found her training and coaching skills to be the life-changing ingredient that has enabled their growth and success. She has a rich and multi-faceted life experience where she has developed creative leadership skills and an intuitive ability to help individuals reach their fullest potential.

Fee: 199.00 USD Per Webinar

Materials and Downloads: Additional Materials
  • Delegation Chart

Record of Attendance Form (PDF)

Number of
AS OF JUNE 1, 2020, WEBINARS ARE PRICED FOR INDIVIDUALS WORKING ALONE. Pricing is discounted for individual registrations for people working alone.

$14.95 each. Official CEU certificates are available as an option. After successful completion of this webinar, a link will be provided to order a certificate.

Access: On-demand, anytime 24/7.
Duration: 60 minutes
PDH Earned: 1.0
Instructor(s): Bill Truby, M.A., MFT, CML and Joann Truby

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