On-Demand Webinars
ETHICS, INTEGRITY AND THE LAW FOR GEOPROFESSIONALS: Statutes and Rules of Professional Conduct
This Webinar qualifies for the required continuing education requirement for licensed professionals
But don't just attend because it's a CEU requirement, experience this webinar and protect yourself, your staff, and your company from potential ethical violations that can be avoided with simple clarification of right from wrong.
Who should attend:
- Engineers
- Geologists
- Land Surveyors
- Architects
- Soil Scientists
You probably already know that ethics are important... and chances are you've never received a complaint against your professional license. Let's keep it that way by opening our eyes to going past ethical minimums, but also making decisions with integrity and solid leadership.
Here is more to ethics than simply a Code of Conduct.
Participants will relearn professional codes of ethics and how integrity is weaved into the fabric making good decisions. You will also receive key guidance for making value-laden decisions through Board of Ethical Review case studies.
There is no other online ethics training like this, designed by geoprofessionals with self-questions that will connect with your everyday decision making process.

- Why Ethics?
- Codes of Ethics Comparisons
- Rules of Professional Conduct for various states
- Making Value-laden Decisions
- Board of Ethical Review
- NSPE Ethics Reference Guide
- Case Studies
- Summary
- Questions
Part 2:
- Part 2 covers the Statutes and Rules associated with professional conduct in geoprofessional practice.
- Know how to access them.
- Have a systematic process for solving ethical dilemmas.
- See the value of professional and technical organizations in the engineering profession.
Instructors Bio
Vincent P. Drnevich, P.E., Ph.D
Vince Drnevich was born and raised in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is the oldest of 10 children. His father was a commercial and residential builder. Vince received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from the University of Notre Dame and he completed the Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan. While studying at Michigan, he met and married Roxanne M. Hosier.
Professor Drnevich was on the faculty at the University of Kentucky for 24 years where he progressed through the academic ranks, did a four-year term as Department Chairman, and served as acting Dean of Engineering for a year. Upon leaving UK, he was named Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at UK.
In 1991, he was recruited to Purdue University as the Head of the School of Civil Engineering, a position that he held until June 2000. He retired from Purdue in June 2010 and is now Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at Purdue.
His research focuses on the engineering properties of soils, especially as measured by stress wave propagation and electromagnetic wave propagation. His work is the basis of an ASTM Standard D 4015 on the Resonant Column Method. From 1974 to 2015, he was president of Soil Dynamics Instruments, Inc., a firm which manufactured resonant column and torsional simple shear testing equipment. He and his students developed the Purdue TDR Method for water content and density determination of soil, for which there is an ASTM Standard (D 6780-12) and Purdue holds five patents. Another of his teams developed a vibratory hammer device for compaction of granular soils which allows for getting maximum densities and water contents for effective compaction, for which there is an ASTM Standard (D 7382-07). Over fifty students have received graduate degrees with him as their advisor or co-advisor.
Vince Drnevich has been recognized for both his teaching (especially the senior design course at Purdue) and research by a number of national awards from the American Society of Civil Engineers (Huber Award and Norman Medal), the American Society for Testing and Materials (1979 and 2014 Hogentogler Awards, Woodland G. Shockley Award, the Award of Merit, and numerous Standards Development Awards), the American Society for Engineering Education (George Wadlin Award), and Chi Epsilon (Harold T. Larson Award and the James M. Robbins Award). He is active in many professional and technical organizations including the American Society of Civil Engineers (Distinguished Member), the American Society for Engineering Education (Life Member), the ASTM International, (Fellow), the National Society of Professional Engineers (Fellow, 2010 P.E. Mentor of the Year, Board of Ethical Review 2014-17), and the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers (Fellow) where he is a past President and in 2013, received the inaugural Thomas A. Morris Award. In 2009, he was awarded the Diplomate of Geotechnical Engineering (D.GE) by the Academy of Geo-Professionals. He is a licensed professional engineer in Indiana. In 2008, he was appointed by Governor Mitch Daniels to the Indiana Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and was elected chair for 2013. He is the faculty advisor to the Purdue Society of Professional Engineers (PSPE) Chapter and its Rube Goldberg Team, and the founding advisor of Geo-Institute Graduate Student Organization. In 2003, he was a co-founder of the Purdue Geotechnical Society and continues to serve as its president. He has been involved in the Indiana MathCOUNTS program for over 20 years. He is a regular provider of short courses and presentations on professional and technical issues, especially on the topics of ethics, professionalism, and continuing education. Over 15,000 professionals have taken his short courses.
Vince and his wife, Roxanne, celebrate 50 years of marriage; have four grown children and seven grandchildren. They both are active in their church and are avid golfers, ballroom dancers, and college sports fans.
Fee: |
199.00 USD Per Webinar
SAVE $50 USD just for being a Member
SAVE $100 USD when Members also register for the following Webinar: ETHICS, INTEGRITY AND THE LAW FOR GEOPROFESSIONALS, Part 1 (discount will be applied during checkout when ALL are in your cart at checkout)
Materials and Downloads: |
Session Slides (PDF) Record of Attendance Form (PDF)
Number of Participants: |
AS OF JUNE 1, 2020, WEBINARS ARE PRICED FOR INDIVIDUALS WORKING ALONE. Pricing is discounted for individual registrations for people working alone.
Continuing Education Certificates: |
$14.95 each. Official CEU certificates are available as an option. After successful completion of this webinar, a link will be provided to order a certificate.
Access: |
On-demand, anytime 24/7. |
Discounts: |
Buy 3 on-demand webinars, and get 3 on-demand webinars for free!
Duration: |
60 minutes |
PDH Earned: |
1.0 hours |
Instructor(s): |
Vincent P. Drnevich, P.E., Ph.D |
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Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists