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On-Demand Webinars

Case Histories and Example

Groundwater flow and contaminant transport in karst areas is often extremely complex. Karst also creates unique problems for engineering. At the same time, buried karst features cannot be adequately characterized using only boreholes. Geophysical surveys allow the irregular nature of these features to be mapped between boreholes and, in some cases, beyond an array of boreholes. Geophysical methods also typically "see" deeper than boreholes. Geophysical models of karst systems thus provide important additional information that may be used to identify recharge points, conduit flow zones, contaminant migration pathways and subcropping bedrock irregularities that cause engineering difficulties.

Geophysical methods have advanced appreciably in the past ten years. Learn about these new advances and discover new efficiencies for doing the work yourself

This 2-part webinar series covers cost-effective geophysical techniques for imaging buried karst features. The focus will be on a sequential and phased approach to geophysical surveys over karst. This involves a multi-step process to utilize the best technique and efficiently identify/characterize the target without collecting a lot of unused collateral information.

Although both webinars are designed to complement each other they can also be viewed independently.

Part Two of this webinar series presents actual examples of geophysical surveys over karst features. Some of the features examined include geophysical response of solutionally-enlarged fractures, caves, identification of filled or buried sinkholes, and mapping irregular buried bedrock surfaces. Geophysical imaging of these features will be related to real hydrogeological problems. Case histories may include geophysical studies at military reservations, parks, at or near Superfund sites, landfills, and construction sites.

  • Identifying solutionally enlarged fractures using EM, resistivity and GPR
  • Identifying filled sinkholes using resistivity, GPR, EM
  • Mapping caves and voids: EM, resistivity, GPR
  • Well logging in karst areas
  • Summary of which questions can be answered using geophysics and which cannot
  • Where to rent equipment and get interpretation software (including free software)
  • Determining when geophysical methods are beneficial, making karst investigations more efficient and quicker
  • Gaining the necessary understanding required to evaluate a geophysical contractor's report, or submit one.
  • Learning when and how to apply geophysical methods to other non-karstic problems
  • Discovering what types of problems are amenable to geophysical investigation and which are not
  • Gaining familiarity with new analysis methods involving actual tomographic imaging (generally as cross-sections), rather than having to deal with confusing graphs and charts (as many of us probably experienced in college or with geophysical contractors).

Instructors Bio

Phil Carpenter, PhD, is a Professor of Environmental Geophysics, Engineering Geology, Seismology at Northern Illinois University. Dr. Carpenter's applied research specializes in geophysical imaging of karst features and developing methods for geophysical (noninvasive) assessment of landfills and detection of pollution in adjacent aquifers. Field sites include locations across the U.S. and China.

Dr. Carpenter received his Ph.D. from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; 1984; his M.S. from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; 1981; and his B.S. from the University of Minnesota, Duluth; 1979.

He is recognized for his advances in geophysical assessment of landfills, mine wastes, karst features, and detection of pollution in adjacent aquifers (midwest and eastern United States, China), coupled with seismic monitoring of ambient seismic noise and earthquake occurrence in the upper Midwest (northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin, and eastern Iowa).

Fee: 299.00 USD Per Webinar

Materials and Downloads: Session Slides (PDF)
Record of Attendance Form (PDF)

Number of
AS OF JUNE 1, 2020, WEBINARS ARE PRICED FOR INDIVIDUALS WORKING ALONE. Pricing is discounted for individual registrations for people working alone.

$14.95 each. Official CEU certificates are available as an option. After successful completion of this webinar, a link will be provided to order a certificate.

Access: On-demand, anytime 24/7.
Discounts: Buy 3 on-demand webinars, and get 3 on-demand webinars for free!

Duration: 90 minutes
PDH Earned: 1.5 hours
MA LSP: 1.5 hours (MA LSP No. 1417-T)
Instructor(s): Phil Carpenter, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Geophysics, Engineering Geology, Seismology at Northern Illinois University

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