On-Demand Webinars
LNAPL TRANSMISSIVITY AS A METRIC: The Future in Tracking LNAPL Recovery Progress
Measuring LNAPL thickness in a monitoring well does not necessarily correspond to the LNAPL thickness within the formation. This 90-minute webinar will provide practitioners with an advanced understanding of LNAPL transmissivity and a discussion of the physical and chemical conditions that affect LNAPL thickness and why measurements in wells can be misleading for determining its occurrence and movement.
Despite common procedures for measuring ground water transmissivity, standard methodologies are still lacking for measuring LNAPL transmissivities. It is possible to measure LNAPL transmissivity through several methodologies (for example, baildown tests, recovery data, soil core and tracer test analyses), but no consensus exists yet on standard procedures. This webinar addresses how LNAPL thickness is affected differently by contrasting formation properties and hydrogeologic conditions.

- Review and elaborate on confined and perched LNAPL conditions
- Confined and Perched LNAPL conditions are likely the rule - not the exception
- LNAPL thickness in wells - while it is need to know info - why it is USELESS as an LNAPL metric
- What is LNAPL transmissivity
- How can you measure LNAPL transmissivity
- Why is LNAPL transmissivity a good metric
- Who is using LNAPL transmissivity and what are the initial thoughts
Data analysis methodologies to evaluate LNAPL transmissivity have been dramatically improved during the past 15 years and the webinar instructors have a good understanding of these improvements, however this information has not reached the majority of regulators or industry professionals.
Instructor Bio
Mark R. Adamski, PG is a Technical Specialist with BP America where he directs BP and API research in the occurrence and behaviour of LNAPL in the subsurface. He has conducted research on this topic for ten years within BP and conducted, analyzed, and modeled LNAPL distribution and recovery at BP sites worldwide. As a result of this experience he has presented at conferences, seminars, and workshops internationally for several years, including the Midwest GeoSciences Group. He has been involved with the development of landmark regulatory LNAPL guidance documents developed by the State of Texas, ITRC, and the US EPA. His primary areas of current LNAPL study are site characterization techniques, LNAPL metrics, plume migration, and recovery techniques. Mark has worked in modeling fluid migration in porous media throughout his 17 year career with BP. He holds a BS in Geological Engineering and a MS in Hydrogeology. Mark is currently located in the BP office at Westlake in Houston, Texas.
Andrew Kirkman, PE
Mr. Kirkman has 11 years experience conducting environmental investigations and engineering. Mr. Kirkman specializes in subsurface petroleum hydrocarbon, coal tar and creosote distribution, release and recovery studies. He has characterized the distribution and mobility of NAPL at multiple refinery, railroad, retail, manufactured gas plant, wood treating and terminal sites. Mr. Kirkman has worked with regulatory agencies across the nation to accept alternative metrics to NAPL remediation such as NAPL transmissivity or recoverability rather than gauged NAPL thickness alone. Mr. Kirkman has presented technical discussions regarding the use of NAPL transmissivity, petroleum baildown tests, core analyses and laser induced fluorescence technology at multiple conferences. He eagerly promotes the discussion of improved LNAPL understanding through LNAPL forums such as the Interstate Regulatory Council publications and as the chair of an ASTM task group under E50.04 to develop a guidance document on the calculation of LNAPL Transmissivity.
Fee: |
299.00 USD Per Webinar
Materials and Downloads: |
Session Slides (PDF) Additional MaterialsRecord of Attendance Form (PDF)
Number of Participants: |
AS OF JUNE 1, 2020, WEBINARS ARE PRICED FOR INDIVIDUALS WORKING ALONE. Pricing is discounted for individual registrations for people working alone.
Continuing Education Certificates: |
$14.95 each. Official CEU certificates are available as an option. After successful completion of this webinar, a link will be provided to order a certificate.
Access: |
On-demand, anytime 24/7. |
Discounts: |
Buy 3 on-demand webinars, and get 3 on-demand webinars for free!
Duration: |
90 minutes |
PDH Earned: |
1.5 hours |
1.5 hours (MA LSP No. 1417-Q) |
Instructor(s): |
Mark Adamski, PG; Technical Specialist at BP America Andrew Kirkman, PE, PG; AECOM |
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Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists