On-Demand Webinars
THE VAPOR INTRUSION RISK PATHWAY: Overview and Regulatory Updates
Why is the vapor intrusion pathway getting so much attention? What are the latest EPA and State regulatory updates?
 Your Site is Likely More Complex Than This...right?
Vapor intrusion continues to be the environmental box-office blockbuster in 2018. EPA-OSWER & EPA-OUST released new guidance documents with even tighter requirements, 39 States have released their own guidance, and the 2010 ASTM vapor intrusion standard continues to be challenged by some professionals.
Recent ramifications of changes and variable state guidance is that more sites will require more thorough assessment of the vapor intrusion pathway. Assessment of the pathway is complicated due to inconsistent and contradictory regulations, ultra-low screening levels, emerging technologies, inexperience throughout the environmental community, and legal liability.
Don't be left behind in the rapidly-changing vapor intrusion science
This is the only webinar that reveals newly-considered vapor intrusion pathways and the current state of all the regulations, including the very-hot short-term trichloroethylene issue. We will also cover ramifications of the new ASTM Phase 1 Standard relating to the vapor encroachment condition in Phase 1 assessments.
- Why and when are we concerned about the vapor intrusion pathway?
- What is driving the recent changes?
- What are the latest EPA guidances and regulations?
- What are the latest State guidances?
- What are the latest ASTM standards regarding the need to assess this pathway?
Instructors Bio
Blayne Hartman, Ph.D.
Blayne Hartman received his Ph.D. in geochemistry from the University of Southern California in 1983. He worked for Unocal (Union Oil Company) for 4 years specializing in surface geochemical methods for petroleum exploration. In 1988 he stated his own company (TEG) initially providing geochemical exploration services to the oil industry and in 1989 entered the environmental market by offering certified mobile environmental laboratory services in California. In 1998, he co- founded & operated H&P Mobile GeoChemistry, a partnership offering on-site laboratory analysis, direct push environmental sampling, and soil vapor surveys. He sold H&P in 2008 and is currently an independent consultant offering vapor intrusion, soil gas and analytical support. Dr. Hartman has over 30 years of soil gas experience and 19 years of vapor intrusion experience.
Dr. Hartman is an internationally-recognized expert on soil vapor sampling, soil vapor analysis, and vapor intrusion. He has provided training on soil gas methods and vapor intrusion to County and State regulatory agencies in over 30 states, many of the EPA regions, the DOD, ASTSWMO, and numerous stakeholder groups and consultants. He was an instructor in the EPA-OUST training, ITRC vapor intrusion training, API petroleum vapor intrusion training and ASTM vapor intrusion courses and has given vapor intrusion training in England, Australia and Brazil.
Blayne has written numerous articles on the collection, analysis, and interpretation of soil vapor data, including chapters in five textbooks. He has participated in technical work groups on soil vapor methods for EPA, CA-EPA, CA Regional Water Boards, County of San Diego, ITRC and ASTM, and has reviewed/edited instructional manuals for the EPA OUST and Superfund groups. Over the past four years, Dr. Hartman has been a contributing author/editor to vapor intrusion and soil gas guidance documents to federal EPA, CA-EPA, San Diego County, ITRC, DOD, API, and more than 25 individual State documents.
He has been involved with six research studies with EPA-ORD on soil gas methods, soil gas temporal variations and indoor air variations in 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, & 2007.
Fee: |
249.00 USD Per Webinar
Materials and Downloads: |
Session Slides (PDF) Record of Attendance Form (PDF)
Number of Participants: |
AS OF JUNE 1, 2020, WEBINARS ARE PRICED FOR INDIVIDUALS WORKING ALONE. Pricing is discounted for individual registrations for people working alone.
Continuing Education Certificates: |
$14.95 each. Official CEU certificates are available as an option. After successful completion of this webinar, a link will be provided to order a certificate.
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On-demand, anytime 24/7. |
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Duration: |
60 minutes |
PDH Earned: |
1.0 hours |
Instructor(s): |
Blayne Hartman, Ph.D. |
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Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists