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Regarding the intended audience, I expect that participants would range from hands-on modelers to supervisors to modeling project managers. The webinar is designed as such and therefore covers introductory as well as in-depth aspects of MF-USG and modeling with MF-USG.

Benefits for everyone involved in ground water modeling:

  • PMs and supervisors will learn the capabilities and limitations of MF-USG in particular and groundwater modeling in general;
  • New modelers introduced to MF-USG will learn the available packages and tools, how to use them, and start using the code on their projects right away
  • Modeling support staff will discover the flexibility afforded by the code and accordingly help prepare data files, conceptual models and other pre- and post-processing utilities; and,
  • Advanced (expert) modelers will better understand the numerical schemes and settings and how to overcome difficulties for complex situations.
- Sorab Panday, PhD, Webinar Instructor and Principal Author of MODFLOW-USG

MODFLOW is undoubtedly the most popular and accepted groundwater flow modeling code available, with wide application and numerous enhancements/updates since its first release in 1988. An unstructured grid version called MODFLOW-USG was recently released by the US Geological Survey to provide flexibility over the previous finite-difference versions and create a framework for full coupling of other processes.

Discover and learn some key features of the MODFLOW-USG groundwater model for evaluations required in water supply, environmental, energy or mining applications.

This webinar series provides a summary of the capabilities of MODFLOW-USG and reviews the readily-available associated tools for pre- and post-processing, particle tracking, and parameter estimation. Application examples demonstrate use and versatility of the simulator.

This webinar series is the most comprehensive online webinar series taught by Dr. Sorab Panday to date. It includes a discussion of most major Graphical User Interfaces - so if you are a master of one, or none, you will find keen interest in this online event.

Discussions also include model data requirements and numerical options of the various component processes. Essentially, the webinar will provide participants with an understanding of the contents of MODFLOW-USG and how to use the code effectively in creating conceptual and numerical models for evaluating and managing water resources.

Quadtree refinement near canals and wells provides resolution - colors show water levels

Webinar Highlights:
  • Understand concepts, requirements and complexities of groundwater modeling
  • Know the contents of the MODFLOW-USG code
  • Know the capabilities of MODFLOW-USG for various complex situations
  • Understand unstructured grids and control volume finite difference (CVFD) schemes
  • Know the requirements of constructing a model with MODFLOW-USG in terms of data needs and selection of appropriate model options
PART ONE: Fundamentals of MODFLOW-USG
  • What is MODFLOW-USG
  • Features and capabilities of MODFLOW-USG
  • When to use MODFLOW-USG
  • Applications of MODFLOW-USG
  • Supporting software for MODFLOW-USG
  • Requirements for building a model with MODFLOW-USG
  • Diagnostics and settings for complex simulations
  • Flexibility, limitations and future directions

Fee: 249.00 USD for Part Two,
Per Computer Site
(unlimited participants per site), or

149.00 USD Each for Both Parts,
Per Computer Site
(unlimited participants per site)
when Members also register for the following Webinar:

(discount will be applied during checkout when both are in your cart)

Pay one site registration fee and an unlimited number of participants from your organization can attend at that site.

Instructor: Dr. Sorab Panday
Handouts: Copy of Webinar Slides (pdf)
Record of Attendance Form (pdf)
Duration: 1.0 hour plus Q&A
(no restrictions on time limit for extra Q&A!)
Earn 1.0 Professional Development Hours (1.0 PDH)

A Record of Attendance Form is included free with each webinar for your record keeping and individual PDH verification. We ask your on-site coordinator to return the completed and signed copy of the Form to us following the webinar for (1) maintaining a separate copy as a service to attendees and (2) forwarding to NIU confirming attendance for those who order certificates.

Attendees may also order an official a Course Completion Certificate from Northern Illinois University for a small administrative fee. The Certificate is optional and may be ordered separately following the webinar to confirm your attendance and showcase the certificate on your office wall. Instructions for ordering certificates are given during the webinar.

* This webinar is eligible for the 'BUY THREE, GET THREE' discount; however ANY webinar series discount shown above cannot be combined with it.

Attendees will be invited to actively participate during this live and interactive on-line web seminar. Discussion is planned following the webinar for those who want to continue the session. Bring your questions to the webinar and present them to the instructor and other participants for exploring the best solution.

Instructors Bio

Dr. Sorab Panday is a Principal Engineer at GSI Environmental with over 26 years of experience in directing, managing, developing, reviewing and troubleshooting flow and transport models for groundwater evaluations and water resource management. As a water resource modeling consultant, he has worked on modeling projects spanning a wide range of schedules and budgets, of multiple spatial and temporal scales, complex geological settings, diverse climatic conditions, unique water/contaminant management issues and challenging numerical conditions. He is the lead author of MODFLOW-USG, an unstructured-grid version of MODFLOW released by the USGS, which is the topic of this webinar.

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