Assessing Recovery, RQD, Fractures and Stratigraphy
This 90-minute webinar is designed to demystify the confusion associated with measuring rock core recovery and RQD while characterizing stratigraphy and fractures in rock cores.
Confusing methods, conflicting terms, and variations of published techniques have caused professionals to log core inconsistently and sometimes, incorrectly. The contrasting differences between geotechnical applications and hydrogeologic purposes have also contributed to different logging styles and methods that have resulted in insufficient information for hydrogeologic projects.
Learn to log and describe rock core for taking the mystery
out of the subsurface.
Participants will not only learn how to describe rock core, but also discover some field methods for helping to predict the nature and likelihood of fracture trends in certain rock types. In addition, participants will discover some important reasons to avoid the term "weathered" (slightly, moderately or highly) on their rock core descriptions and how to better characterize weathering and secondary alterations using common qualitative terms.
Learn how geologic context is key for success with logging both sediments and rock. In this webinar, we will also present up-to-date procedures for building the hydrogeologic framework during the field activities and their hydrogeologic applications.
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- Importance for differentiating three types of core recovery: Total, Solid, and Modified
- Calculating Rock Quality Determination (RQD)
- Identifying natural core breaks from drilling breaks
- Identifying the importance and application of water loss during coring and drilling
- Photographing rock core and placing and labeling rock cores in the box
- Describing rock cores of various rock types
- Reasons to avoid the term "weathered" on your logs and what to use instead
- Giving context to rock cores by building the litho- and hydrostratigraphic framework
- Assessing fracture networks from rock cores and understanding the story that rock cores are telling
Characterizing fractures is good, but understanding their context and distribution is a key for confident characterization. This webinar presents the common tool for thinking on your feet in the field and providing that geologic context.
Attendees are invited to actively participate during this live and interactive on-line web seminar. Discussion is planned following the webinar for those who want to continue the session. Bring your questions to the webinar and present them to the instructor and other participants for exploring the best solution.
Fee: |
299.00 USD Per Computer Site (unlimited participants per site)
249.00 USD Per Computer Site (unlimited participants per site) when Members also register for the following Webinar:
 (discount will be applied during checkout when both are in your cart)
Pay one site registration fee and an unlimited number of participants from your organization can attend at that site.
Instructors: |
Handouts: |
Copy of Webinar Slides (pdf) Record of Attendance Form (pdf)
Duration: |
1.5 hours plus Q&A (no restrictions on time limit for extra Q&A!)
Professional Development: |
Earn 1.5 Professional Development Hours (1.5 PDH)
A Record of Attendance Form is included free with each webinar for your record keeping and individual PDH verification. We ask your on-site coordinator to return the completed and signed copy of the Form to us following the webinar for (1) maintaining a separate copy as a service to attendees and (2) forwarding to NIU confirming attendance for those who order certificates.
Attendees may also order an official a Course Completion Certificate from Northern Illinois University for a small administrative fee. The Certificate is optional and may be ordered separately following the webinar to confirm your attendance and showcase the certificate on your office wall. Instructions for ordering certificates are given during the webinar.
* This webinar is eligible for the 'BUY THREE, GET THREE' discount; however the two-part webinar series discount shown above cannot be combined with it.
Register before September 10th and receive a FREE FIELD GUIDE FOR ROCK CORE LOGGING AND FRACTURE ANALYSIS By Midwest GeoSciences Group
"Help yourself to think on your feet in the field"
- Improve the accuracy of your rock core logs
- Reliably measure core recovery and RQD
- Prepare consistent descriptions
- Analyze rock as the drilling program progresses
- Quickly characterize fractures and their distribution
- Build the geologic framework from boring to boring
- Identify general rock types
- Obtain guidance for placing and labeling cores in the box
- Reduce log editing time
The FIELD GUIDE is a double-sided, plastic-coated guide for improving rock core descriptions and characterizing bedrock fractures on meaningful rock core logs that are clear, consistent, and concise.
PLUS: Register for this webinar and receive an appreciable discount on additional copies of the FIELD GUIDE FOR ROCK CORE LOGGING AND FRACTURE ANALYSIS for your whole project team. Discount only applies during time of webinar registration.
Instructors Bio
Dan Kelleher, PG, CIPM
Dan Kelleher is a hydrogeologist who strives for excellence in subsurface characterization. Dan earned his bachelor's degree from Monmouth College and master's degree at Northern Illinois University. His technical expertise is quantitative hydrogeology (in porous and fractured media), geotechnical analysis of sedimentary sequences, aquifer testing and predictive ground water modeling. He promotes field analysis during stratigraphic characterization from boring to boring in order to utilize QA/QC processes fully throughout a project and help identify unexpected conditions as soon as they arise.