• Dan Kelleher, PG, CIPM, Hydrogeologist with Midwest GeoSciences Group
Hosted By:
Midwest GeoSciences Group
New York State Council of Professional Geologists
Continuing Education Information:
16.0 Professional Development Hours 1.6 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) This course is eligible for NY PGs and NY PEs continuing education requirement.
NY Professionals receive a special NY SED-approved CE certificate from Midwest GeoSciences Group (Approved Provider #213).
Pennsylvania PGs eligible for 960 minutes.
MA LSP Approved Course Number #1850 (16.0 PDHs)
CT LEP Approved Course Number # CTLEP-593 (16.0 PDHs)
New Hampshire PGs eligible for 16.0 PDHs.
Delaware PGs eligible for 16.0 PDHS.
North Carolina PGs eligible for 16.0 PDHs.
South Carolina PGs eligible for 16.0 PDHs.
Texas PGs eligible for 16.0 PDHs.
All participants receive a Course Completion Certificate administered by Midwest GeoSciences Group (must participate in the full 2-day course).
Who should attend:
Professional ground-water scientists, engineers, project managers, compliance-program managers and remedial-design managers. Anyone who is vested in CONTAMINATED SITES will benefit from this course.
How to Prepare:
Be prepared to immediately dive into a series of lectures, workshops and self-tests that are designed to help empower you demystify contaminant complexities and then identify and manage risks at contaminated sites.
Bring a pen and a calculator and we will provide the rest to facilitate your participation during hands-on exercises and workshops.
Photos from 2024 Modern Contaminant Hydrology in Carmel, Indiana
What other's said about last year's course, MODERN CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY:
"I learned more about groundwater contamination hydrology (during this two-day course) than I have ever done in the past (including my university). The organization and engagement of this course was infectious." - Louis DeManty, Staff Geologist, Walnut Creek, CA, Land Quality and Remediation
"Modern Contaminant Hydrology provides cutting edge training on addressing complex subsurface contaminant issues.
I give this course an A+ rating."
- Al Stone, Hydrogeologist
"With a beautiful workbook, along with a mix of lectures, tutorials and class interactions I found myself learning and re-learning at an advanced pace that was refreshing and rewarding." - C. Scott Hardaway, PG, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA.
"Modern Contamination Hydrology class is well-planned and informative, and I felt that it was definitely worth my time and money. " - Rachel Ataman, PG, President, Touchstone Environmental Geology, PC
Dr. Tom Sale and Dan Kelleher teach the 2-day course Modern Contaminant Hydrology.
This course is designed around the new textbook, Modern Subsurface Contaminant Hydrology written by Tom Sale and Joseph Scalia (2025). The goal is to advance modern conceptual foundations for contaminant transport in natural subsurface settings in support of better use of finite cleanup resources.
BOOK UPDATE: The Ground Water Project informs us that Tom's and Joe's ebook will be announced in February 2025 is poised to be released in mid-March. It's in the final peer-review stages.
The new textbook moves away from the conceptualization of a homogenous "aquifer", recognizes the capacities of aquifers to passively assimilate contaminants, and stylistically embraces inherent uncertainties. Central themes include:
The paradigm of modern contaminant hydrology has dramatically evolved in the past few years, partly due to how we approach understanding sedimentary sequences in combination with relating secondary alterations from weathering to contaminant occurrence and migration.
Subsurface complexities from heterogeneous strata include variability at different scales of transmissive and low permeability zones.
Diffusion is a critical process governing storage and release of contaminants in low permeability zones.
Transverse mixing of contaminants in plumes is typically a weak process.
Blended water quality data from monitoring wells are generally rejected as a basis for studying transport processes.
All plausible contaminant phases including gas, nonaqueous, aqueous, and sorbed are interdependent and must be recognized.
Reactions including phase changes, sorption, and biogeochemical transformations need to be resolved to understand the behavior of source zones and plumes.
Reactions can be distinctly different in transmissive and low k zones.
The conventional wisdom of absolute characterization of heterogeneous subsurface settings is often functionally impossible and therefore conceptual models with measurable degrees of uncertainty must be embraced.
Reference: Doner, Lee Ann (2008), MS Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
The course also includes a free electronic version of the new textbook, Modern Contaminant Hydrology soon-to-be-announced through Dr. John Cherry's "Groundwater Project".
This 2-day course preludes with pre-session online assessment for each participant in order to address your questions and topics during the course.
In more detail...
The need to move beyond idealized classroom aquifers for contaminant transport is not a new concept. C.V. Theis stated in 1967 that "The type of aquifer in which our homogeneous model of groundwater flow is most grossly inadequate is that of dealing with transport phenomena...the simple and useful model for problems of wellfield development will mislead us if we apply it to problems of transport."
The primary audiences for the book are professionals needing a modern reference and the generalized framework to achieve realistic remediation goals.
The course sets a rigorous foundation of first principles for modern contaminant transport wherein the term "modern" is based on embracing the 9 main points in the preceding text above. References are advanced for those who want to know more. Sources for additional information include a remarkable set of electronic books (e-books) developed through The Groundwater Project that have been written by leading scientist and engineers whose experience spans the last half century under the leadership of Dr. John Cherry.
This course walks professionals through the modern paradigm of contaminant hydrology and provides one of the most comprehensive resources for anyone working in characterization and remediation of contaminated sites.
Heterogeneity includes permeability, contaminants concentrations, contaminants phases, fractions of organic carbon, redox conditions, diffusion coefficients, microbial ecology...and there's a way to account for all of this in an efficient and effective way.
Limited seating.
[Note: The April 10-11 course dates are no longer available because the course is full. We added dates of April 14-15 which registration is now open. ]
Advanced registration is necessary for participation in this limited-enrollment short course. Pre-registration is required to reserve space and receive course materials. If you require special arrangements for diet, equipment, or handicap facilities, please indicate when registering for the course.
Participants receive 16.0 contact hours of instruction, light breakfast, lunch, printed course notebook, course completion certificate from Midwest GeoSciences Group for qualifying participants.
Before the course, each registrant receives a Pre-Course Questionnaire that allows registrants to share specific topic requests along with an option to share your professional interests, experience, and background.
This course is uniquely designed with lectures and exercises that create a meaningful learning experience.
This event also includes an optional 90-minute post-course technical online training module.
Members of both the New York State Council of Professional Geologists and Midwest GeoSciences Group are eligible for registration discount during the early registration period. Receive up to $500 in discounts when members of both register before the early registration deadline.
Early Registration Fee (NYSCPG member alone): $599.00
Early Registration Fee (MidwestGeo member alone): $699.00
*Early Registration Fee (dual membership): $499.00
Early Registration Fee (non-member): $799.00
Late Registration Fee (member or non-member): $999.00
The online registration allows registrants to add items to their course registration.
Item No 1: Full-Color Printed Notebook for $89.00.
Early registration discounts may be applied when payment is received by March 14, 2025. Terms and Conditions apply.
Cancellations may be made up March 8, 2025, however, 50 percent of the course fee will be charged or a credit will be issued. No refunds after March 30, 2025. Refunds are issued after the course is conducted, that includes any postponements or rescheduling for any reason.
One substitute is allowed for each registrant who is unable to attend. However substitutions are not allowed between days.
Contact Dan Kelleher at either 763.607.0092 or dan@midwestgeo.com
Tom Sale, PhD
Tom Sale was just awarded the 2024 INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD at Colorado State University for his innovations on environmental remediation.
Dr. Tom Sale is internationally-recognized among the most expert authorities on LNAPL science. His research at the Center of Contaminant Hydrology at Colorado State University has created many technology breakthroughs creating a paradigm shift for LNAPL site management strategies.
Dr. Sale is an Associate Professor and Director of Center for Contaminant Hydrology, Civil and Environmental Engineering. He has authored numerous landmark papers and is the driving force behind patented technologies that have changed the direction of the LNAPL industry. He also contributes to LNAPL projects as a consultant and a regulation policy reviewer.
His research and consulting activities are dedicated to finding solutions for anthropogenic releases of contaminants to subsurface environments and their subsequent transport, fate, and management. Specific areas of interest are pragmatic expectations for Nonaqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) remedies and passive strategies for management of NAPL releases. His collaborations have changed the LNAPL industry along with developments for remediation for both LNAPL and DNAPL.
His inventive mind and collaborative ability has enabled the Center for Contaminant Hydrology to conduct approximately $1.5 million /year in research and support 11 students. Current and recent research sponsors include ExxonMobil, Chevron, Suncor Energy, BP, Shell, CH2M, ARCADIS and the USDoD. He is dedicated to innovative solutions for groundwater contamination and development of groundwater resources.
Dr. Sale has bachelor degrees in Chemistry and Geology from Miami of Ohio (1980), a M.S. degree in Watershed Hydrology from the University of Arizona (1984), and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from Colorado State University (1998).
Dan Kelleher, PG, CIPM
Dan Kelleher, PG, CIPM is a hydrogeologist dedicated to hydrogeological and geotechnical analysis of sedimentary sequences, aquifer testing, fractured rock hydrogeology, and predictive ground water modeling. Dan's business acumen promotes personal trust, integrity, and relentless QA/QC.
Dan leads specialized technical teams for challenging projects and facilitates educational courses and webinars for geologists, engineers and environmental scientists.
He and Tim Kemmis co-founded of Midwest GeoSciences Group to simply professionals to do better job of TAKING THE MYSTERY OUT OF THE SUBSURFACE (R), this course is part of the journey.
What others had to say about last year's course:
"This course (Modern Contaminant Hydrology) was a delightful experience. Tom Sale and Dan Kelleher took us from the basics through contaminant hydrology to stratigraphic controls of permeability and diffusion. With a beautiful workbook, along with a mix of lectures, tutorials and class interactions I found myself learning and re-learning at an advanced pace that was refreshing and rewarding. I highly recommend this course to fellow geologists, engineers and others interested in the practical understanding of stratigraphy." - C. Scott Hardaway, PG, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA.
"Modern Contamination Hydrology class is well-planned and informative, and I felt that it was definitely worth my time and money. I gained new insights that I can apply to my reporting work today, and on top of that, the food was really good!" - Rachel Ataman, PG, President, Touchstone Environmental Geology, PC
"I learned more about groundwater contamination hydrology (during this two-day course) than I have ever done in the past (including my university). The organization and engagement of this course was infectious, and they even had set up the day before to celebrate the life changing Eclipse that was happening (which was life changing!). With the course itself, it was encouraged to engage with both Dr. Sale and Mr. Kelleher, and was able to participate during the soil logging exercise which we were able to "get our hands dirty" with logging kits. I usually don't enjoy participating during a class, but in this case I was eager. The majority of what I do is soil logging, so I was excited to get pointers and suggestions from others from around the world (There were professionals from Europe that attended!). I would do this course, or any other course that Midwest Geo organizes anytime I am able. They have such attention to detail, and each course is adapted to accommodate anyone, even if you are new to the business or seasoned professional. I cannot tell you enough about the professionalism and personable environment that they provide, and highly recommend any course they offer. The only disappointment that I had was that I didn't win the prize for traveling the furthest to attend (I think I came in second), but I would travel around the world if I could. Thanks Midwest Geo, Keep it up!" - Louis DeManty, Staff Geologist, Walnut Creek, CA, Land Quality and Remediation
"Modern Contaminant Hydrology provides cutting edge training on addressing complex subsurface contaminant issues. The course notebook is also an excellent reference. The instructors for this course are experts in their fields, and their presentations are clear and easy to understand. I give this course and all other Midwest Geosciences courses an A+ rating, and look forward to attending future courses!" - Al Stone, Hydrogeologist
Venue and Accommodations
Alumae House
161 College Ave
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2024, Alumnae House was gifted to Vassar College by sisters Blanche Ferry Hooker, class of 1894, and Queene Ferry Coonley, class of 1896. They intended it to be a center for the activities of the alums of the College, but more importantly wanted all alums to have a welcoming space that they could call home when returning to campus.
A classic example of American-Tudor style architecture, Alumnae House is filled with impressive artwork, period furniture, Vassar memorabilia, cozy reading nooks, and working fireplaces. The living room is majestic with its hand-painted ceiling and Violet Oakley Triptych. The walnut-paneled dining room features an inlaid ceiling and musician's gallery, while the Pub showcases murals by Anne Cleveland. The library contains a complete set of Vassar yearbooks, books about Vassar, and books authored by Vassar alums.
An English-born businessman, Matthew Vassar established VASSAR COLLEGE in Poughkeepsie, New York, a small city on the Hudson River, 75 miles north of New York City. For the first time, women were offered courses in art history, physical education, geology, astronomy, music, mathematics, and chemistry.
Vassar was designed strictly for women and historically as "sister institutions" to the all-male Ivy League colleges. Today, the Vassar curriculum is broader ranging from Latin to cognitive science, from biochemistry to religion, from astronomy to Africana studies. Vassar, among the first to offer courses in drama, psychology, and various languages, has experimented with interdepartmental courses since the early 1900s and has long been recognized for curricular innovation.
Vassar decided to open its doors to men in 1969. In keeping with its founding spirit, Vassar was the first all-women's college in the country to become coeducational; Vassar is currently 56% women and 44% men with an annual enrollment of about 2,450 students.
Our Mission
The New York State Council of Professional Geologists (NYSCPG) is the principal organization of professional geologists responsible for the advancement of the competent and ethical practice of geology in New York State. NYSCPG's primary missions, on behalf of its members, are to strengthen and advance the application of geological sciences as a profession by providing leadership, advocacy, and education to promote the protection of public health, safety, and welfare, and the balanced protection of the environment.
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NYSCPG Members can Save on this Course
Use the following Promotion Code at checkout to Save $200 NYSCPG-SAV200
The New York State Council of Professional Geologists and Midwest GeoSciences Group have a long history of collaboration. Our first collaborative CE course was in October 2019 with Modern Technologies and Emerging Techniques for Assessing Complex Hydrogeologic Systems in Fractured Bedrock. After a hiatus from COVID, MidwestGeo was invited to help NYSCPG with instruction and advertising of Bill Truby's webinar, How "Ethics" Define and Confine Corporate Culture Behavior. NYSCPG helped MidwestGeo in 2022 with a mutually-beneficial website promotion of the 8.0 online course, Challenges and Strategies for Implementing Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy. Then in May 2024, we joined forces again at West Point Academy for the 2-day classroom training, Contaminant Fate and Transport in Fractured Bedrock Systems. Plus MidwestGeo helps advertise and exhibits at the super-fun NYSCPG's Geology Days.
Terms and Conditions
Advance registration is necessary for participation in limited-enrollment short courses and workshops. Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
Pre-registration is required to reserve space and receive course materials.
Safety and integrity is paramount. Each participant is responsible for his/her own safety and agrees to help keep all other participants safe. No harassing behavior or intimidation is acceptable. All affiliates of this course want each participant to feel comfortable during our events.
A waiting list of potential registrants is initiated when registration exceeds the allowable classroom maximum.
One substitute may be allowed for one registration in case the original registrant cannot attend.
No refunds for No-Shows.
Cancellations may be made up March 8, 2025, however, 50 percent of the course fee will be charged or a credit will be issued. No refunds after March 30, 2025. Refunds are issued after the course is conducted, that includes any postponements or rescheduling for any reason.
COVID: All affiliates for this event follow the COVID protocols set forth by the Venue.
Promotional Codes may be applied retroactively up to 10 days following the participant's registration date. Retroactive application expires on the date that is 15 days before the course date. If a participant fails to apply a promo code or any discount during registration and does not retroactively apply it during the 10-day period, a credit may be issued toward webinars, online courses, SINGLE USER ONLINE TRAINING SUBSCRIPTION, or CORPORATE ONLINE TRAINING SUBSCRIPTION.
We are glad to arrange for a special diet, equipment, or handicap facility. We only ask that you let us know when registering for the course.
Misrepresentation of organization affiliation to access an exclusive discount for that organization is a breach of your registration agreement whereby having your registration removed and payment forfeited or accepting full professional registration fee.
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