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Course #2 has reached Maximum Capacity

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For Priority Access to Future Course, TBD

See What Others are Saying About this Training:

"With a beautiful workbook, along with a mix of lectures, tutorials and class interactions I found myself learning and re-learning at an advanced pace that was refreshing and rewarding."
- C. Scott Hardaway, PG, Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
   College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA.

"I gained new insights that I can apply to my reporting work today, and on top of that, the food was really good!"
- Rachel Ataman, PG, President, Touchstone Environmental Geology, PC

"I learned more about groundwater contamination hydrology (during this two-day course) than I have ever done in the past (including my university)."
- Louis DeManty, Staff Geologist, Walnut Creek, CA, Land Quality and Remediation

"Modern Contaminant Hydrology provides cutting edge training on addressing complex subsurface contaminant issues."
- Al Stone, Hydrogeologist

This course is designed around the new textbook, Modern Subsurface Contaminant Hydrology written by Tom Sale and Joseph Scalia (2025). The goal is to advance modern conceptual foundations for contaminant transport in natural subsurface settings in support of better use of finite cleanup resources.

JUST ANNOUNCED: The Ground Water Project announced Tom's and Joe's ebook is expected to be released before the course. It's in the final peer-review stages now.

Field Guide for Soil and Stratigraphic Analysis

Hear Tim Kemmis explain how to maximize the utility of the
FIELD GUIDE FOR SOIL AND STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS. Tim shares insights about the important descriptive elements that help us translate the sedimentary sequence to our soil boring logs. (original video taken from the MidwestGeo archive)

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See What Others are Saying About this Training:

"The strategies introduced in this training are very valuable because they are pragmatic and repeatable."
- Sean Paulsen, Principal, Civil & Environmental Consultants.

"Every geologist and engineer should take this course."
- Susan Grover, LPG, Professional Geologist

"This training 'Taking Mystery out of the Subsurface' is outstanding."
- Molly Newell, President and Hydrogeologist, EnviroNET, Inc.

"I wish we would've had (this training) for our office a long time ago!"
- Jerry Mullin, Vice President and Hydrogeologist,

"I strongly recommend this training for both new and senior-level geologists. I don't believe there is any other training like this."
- Jennifer Gillen, PG, LaBella Associates |
   VP, Environmental Operations Manager

"I especially appreciate how Dan asked for our input and was able to customize the course for our group. Several staff have said that this was one of the best trainings that they have received."
- Sean Dougherty, Environmental Hydrogeology Unit Manager,
   Maine Department of Environmental Protection

"(The training) delivers higher level insights...useful for anyone because it's tailored for the audience."
- Cynthia Chu, Environmental Engineer, New York City

"The full-day course 'Taking the Mystery Out of the Subsurface' taught by Dan Kelleher delivers what the title promises with 12 Strategies that we don't learn in school or on the job."
- Deb 'Doby' Williams, CEO, P.G., GEO 360 WATER, LLC.,
   Ret. Field Geologist, Iowa IDNR.

"Thank you very much, Dan. It is excellent training."
- Diane M Lamb, MS, LPG

"The course brought..... a different aspect of subsurface (hydro)geology from interpreting sediment collecting useful data."
- Francisco Castrillon-Munoz, Principal Hydrogeologist-Water Resources Manager,
  Summit Earth Ltd., Calgary

"This training helped provide a great new mindset on how to characterize the subsurface conditions and think about the overall project scope as part of a larger picture."
- Kimberly Tully, P.E., Associate Principal/Vice President,
  GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

"I appreciate the hands-on nature of the class. It made it learn (and do)!"
- Staff from Laurel Environmental Geosciences, D.P.C.

"I want to thank you again for putting together a great course for our staff."
- Frank Getchell, Senior Technical Leader, Weston & Sampson

See the complete feedback here.

See what others are saying...

"I just finished the final course module of the (Challenges and Strategies for Implementing Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy) class. Thanks for providing such a detailed and well organized class actually geared for geo-professionals. It really drilled into the core topics and was a perfect class for my NYS PG continuing education credits."
- Andy Judd, PG, Hydrogeologist/Project Manager

"The online course, Implementing Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy, has given me a new perspective on conceptualizing the geology at the sites I work at for environmental investigations.

I've been mostly focused on correlations using lithology... but looking at correlations from a stratigraphic perspective seems much more powerful.

I have an upcoming project with a deep boring and I plan to work with our field geologist to add descriptions that will aid in developing a stratigraphic interpretation.

We do our homework looking at USGS and other reports regarding the regional geology but not really brought it to the borehole description level. The goal will be to add a stratigraphic column on the boring log like what was presented on the slide during Course Module 2.

Special thanks to Tim for getting us through Module 2. It was a long session, but it's good to keep us engaged in one session contrasting the three depositional settings (marine, glacial, and alluvial)."

- Joe Lysonski, Sr. Environmental Consultant,
   Anderson-Mulholland & Associates, Inc., Bedford Hills, NY

"This course clarifies the meaning of Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy for me. Each step is spot on and I appreciate the video tutorial about how soil core management can make stratigraphic identification easier or more difficult.

The 3 Phases of ESS are more obvious to me now and I liked the examples of how each phase was applied to three different depositional settings, Marine Sequences, Glacial Sequences, and Fluvial Sequences. I look forward to the rest of the course."

- Jerry Greer, PE, PG, Senior Consultant.

Open Enrollment, Register Now

See what others are saying...

"I had an incredible learning experience with 'Taking The Mystery Out of the Subsurface' online course. The Midwest GeoSciences Group presented the course in a manner that:

  • (Began) with basic geologic principles in a manner that was easy to understand,
  • Expanded with more advanced principles were as the webinar progressed,
  • Included reference materials are suitable for field use,
  • Allows practice with hands-on activities, and
  • Provides availability to Dan Kelleher for assisting in understanding the information present.

I highly recommend Midwest GeoSciences Group and Dan Kelleher to anyone interested in expanding their personal and professional growth in geology."

Respectfully submitted,

- Stephen Bochenek, NYS PG, Terracon Exploration Group Manager/Geologist

"The course is far more than just a review."
- Scott F. Martin LEP, CHMM, Senior Project Manager,
  Environmental Engineering and Technology, AECOM

"I benefited greatly from the content and perspective offered by the Midwest GeoScience Group Taking the Mystery out of the Subsurface course. The course teaches USCS from a geologic perspective and focuses on understanding the geologic foundations and associated depositional environments to bring full circle the training of geologists to the applied environmental and engineering geology that necessitates accurate borehole logging."
- Matthew W. Pendleton, PG, QSD/QSP, Project Geologist,
  EKI Environment & Water, Inc.

"The course is an eye-opener. I learned the key concepts about how good boring logs can positively impact an entire project."
- Tyler Bexton, Hydrogeologist

"I highly recommend the Taking the Mystery out of the Subsurface Course to anybody who wants to develop or refine their understanding of soil classification and boring logs. It was a practical course that drove home the essentials of this work and included interesting tips and perspectives from the experienced instructors. I especially appreciated the individualized attention that was given to each student to ensure that personal course goals were being met and every question was answered. Highly recommend this course!"
- Annie E. Tucker, Environmental Scientist, Environmental Partners, Inc.

Professional outcome from
Taking the Mystery Out of the Subsurface 2.0


Master Your Soil Classification Skills and Improve
the Reliability of Your Soil Boring Logs!

"Jim's book is great. I wished I'd had both the Field Guide for Slug Testing and Jim's slug testing book 33 years ago when I first started practicing hydrogeology. Back then I was in the dark. My boss gave me the Bouwer and Rice paper and said go figure it out. I had no idea what I was doing. But, Jim explains it all so well. Many thanks to Jim Butler!!! I am a better hydro now than ever after Jim's help."
- David Sheil, Sheil Engineering, Inc.

"Jim Butler's Second Edition of The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Testing is THE main point of reference for all things slug testing! It is so popular in our office that I just lost it to a coworker, who has yet to return it (but will!). Based on the techniques described in the first edition, we have continuously modified how we do our slug tests and our understanding of test data."
- Lynn D. Green, Principal Engineering Geologist / Hydrologist, EVREN Northwest, Inc.

"Jim Butler's new edition of The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Test is one of the best resources I have in my work place library. Performing slug tests is very important in the environmental field and his new book presents many new developments and guidelines for conducting tests and analyzing the data. I highly recommend Jim's book."
- Daniel J. Lombardi, P.G. Principal Hydrogeologist, St. John-Mittelhauser & Associates, Inc.

Performing slug tests with the Midwest GeoSciences Group solid H(o) slugs are perfect for determining K-values efficiently. In my experience, H(o) values tend to fit better at well locations with low K values, however data is also reliable and accurate for wells with high K values. They are straight forward and easy to use. - Christian Bruchman, Arcadis

Solid H(o) Slug
Pneumatic Hi-K Slug
Slug Testing Webinar
Field Guide for Slug Testing

"Thanks to MidWest GeoSciences for having these webinars available to complete my continuing education for my PG. What I really like is the wide range of topics and expertise of the people giving the webinars."
- Robert Trahan, Michael Pisani and Associates

GeoMan Harry Morris at the 2016 Olympics in Rio.
More to the story here.

Keegan and Steve surfing Bondi Beach.
More to the story here.

GeoMan Superhero Darren Docherty in his sartorial splendor
on the daredevil Red Bull Slopes at Lake Louise, Alberta.
Go, go Darren!!

Congratulations to the United States Ice Coring Program during their remarkable achievement of coring to 1,751 meters! Pictured is GeoMan Jay Johnson donning his GeoMan SuperHero Shirt by Midwest GeoSciences Group.

GeoMan Jordan Gibson from Trinity Analysis & Development Corp., Shalimar, Florida is outstanding in his field!

Thank you for sending us the photo, Jordan!

Keep up the good work!

"The Field Guide for Slug Testing and Data Analysis was of great use in the field. It addressed my questions and was a great reference to have in the field. Thank you." - Carlos Landaverde, Geologist, AECOM

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